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Thread: Dentophobia/Trypanophobia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    I can't STAND the dentist, more so than the usual people disliking it. Going in there in 2-3 hours for some fillings, and I'm petrified.. The needle I gotta get before they do what they need to alone isn't the worst part but I feel AWFUL each time it happens, my fear has set in and it sucks.. I despise needles more than anything and do everything in my power to avoid them, even pushing back flu shots. From the sounds made during the filling, to the blood in my mouth I can't STAND dentists, I feel like I'm gonna cry!! I HATE it!! I'm sorry I just needed to vent, I'm shaking right now and I can't relax at all I don't want needles in my mouth or drills, this feels horrible. I don't know how a lot of people are so calm getting dental work done, but it kills me every time... I know not liking the dentist is common, but can anyone relate to the degree I hate it?
    The tallest mountain started as a stone, we can beat anything as we grow stronger from today's problems. But for now, lets leave tomorrows problems for the tomorrows us.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Dentophobia/Trypanophobia

    Oh yes I can relate. I never had a problem. Growing up I had so much work done to get nice teeth and it all seemed so easy. Since my anxiety issues started 10 years ago I hadn't visited a dentist until recently. I now need a load of work doing which started 3 weeks ago and I'm back for more this Friday and it's so anxiety provoking I understand how you feel.

    How did you get on?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Dentophobia/Trypanophobia

    I am scared of the dentist but know it is important to go, so I go every three months to build up trust and catch any problems, my biggest fear is oral cancer as from my dental fear post.

    I think it is because being embarrassed how my teeth look, okay I had a few fillings, a root canal done (not all by the same dentist) I am on number 10 dentist.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Dentophobia/Trypanophobia

    Join the club Honestly, I don't mind the needle business, cause I manage to brace myself and get it done, then the numbness is quite soothing actually, especially if you come in with a toothache. BUT apart from my fear of being judged by the doc, I get more scared the deeper they go. And I've had root canals done in the past, so that's quite deep! The deeper the go, the more tense I get and the more I shake, because I'm scared of them pinching something (even through the anesthetic etc.). Then the tension holds it's level or grows while they're working, and once they start sealing everything up, tension slowly starts to lift. But the buildup to that is horrendous, I feel your pain :(

    And let's be honest, just the medieval torture chamber look of a dentist's office scares me to the moon and back. And something about only being able to see the ceiling and one or two faces along with having tools crammed into your mouth just sets me off. Literally the only good thing about the dentist is the alleviated pain and getting out of that office. Mind you, then you have to face the bill

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Dentophobia/Trypanophobia

    It not because of not falling out with dentists I have had that many, most have moved on to other pratices and gone private something I cannot afford

    I dont know whether it is the needle I dont like, the x ray part (if needed) the embarrassment, the scale and polish those sharp objects in your mouth. also being told you have an oral cancer.

    Even though oral cancer is rare I think because you can see things in your mouth you think the worst like I am currently.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Dentophobia/Trypanophobia

    The Dentist, certainly in the UK, will never tell you if you have oral cancer. You would be referred back to your GP who would arrange an appointment at a hospital for tests.

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