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Thread: reassurance needed, re stomach pains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    reassurance needed, re stomach pains

    hi every1

    my pains in my stomach have moved about, was quite high but now they seem to have disappeared but i have a pain in my bum cheek at the top and in my hip that sort of goes out in2 my tummy, im getting in a bit of a panic, i was in the bath and a wave of sickness came over me, i had a sickness bug at the beggining of the week and thought i was totally over it, i always think that feling sick means the big "c"

    im not sure if this coincides with my neighbour being in hospital at the moment just finding out he has prostate cancer, he is 33, im not really that close but maybe its effecting me a little, also my son is ill at the mo he had a high temp in the night, i was sitting up with him last night and i felt as if i was gonna pass out u know when your head goes all wierd.
    my nose also feels a little blocked. i just wish this would stop.
    i was ok i thought and then all of a sudden when in the bath i had a bit of a panic attack.

    leanne xx

    i just wanna feel normal

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Hi Leanne

    I have had upper stomach pains for a few years caused by excess acid damaging the lining - - good old stress again. Anyway to get to the point, my pains appear all over the place and give me concern but my doctor has told that the brain doesn't actually know quite where the stomach is, so it gets confused. Quite often, the pain is actually still in your stomach but your stupid brain tells you it's coming from somewhere else so you think you've yet another problem developing.

    Hope this helps


    It's all in the mind!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hey Leanne you could be right about you neighbour and the fact your son is ill to,you are worrying and this is probably causing your symptoms.iv had panics in the bath to,dont have it to hot and always leave the door unlocked.Makes you feel a bit safer.

    Ellen XX

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Leanne Welcome along.[^] I get the same type of pains as you. Mine normally consist on my lower left side of my stomach and I always feel sick and woozy(especially after a bath). My GP said it was IBS, due to stress and I had a build up of acid. Now they are telling me it could be Coeliacs. What I find that helps me is taking Rennies or some form of AntaAcid Tablets(they normally work for a few days). Also I have been recently informed to try Soda or Tonic water, apparently this can also help.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hiya u r describing my symptoms exactly!!! It starts at the top of my bum and goes over my hip and across my tummy. I also have tight muscles in my legs. I have had this on and off for years so dont think its serious but i am seeing my doc about it next week!!!

    Take care Love Matilda.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi matilda

    thanks for replying, let me know what the dr says,

    take care
    leanne x

    i just wanna feel normal

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there!

    Regards feeling sick in the bath, I've had that feeling in the past, even before being nervously ill. I get this feeling behind my nose and in my head as well as dizzyness and nausea. I swear I saw stars once and had to lie down!

    I think it's down to having the water too hot and the humid atmosphere!

    I'm vulnerable to panic in the bath too, being in water and not being able to make an immediate exit if the hyperventilation comes on is an awful feeling. I didn't like showers either and washed my hair over the sink as the feeling of water going over my head was too much to bear, then I would wash my body separately.
    Since my CBT started i'm able to have a shower happily as I've practiced and faced my fears.

    Now I have to face the bath! I tried it the other week but got too hot and felt dizzy and got out after 10 minutes!

    Take care



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