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Thread: dog meeting my cats?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    dog meeting my cats?

    So, my OH won't let us get a dog, (we have our two ragdoll cats who we adore so i cannot really complain) but I also love dogs.
    Ive signed up to borrow my doggy and I am meeting a lady on thursday morning who has a young labrador.
    I will probably just be walking the doggy a couple of days a week, but if he was to meet my cats, is it risky?
    I mean, i dont want to upset the cats. My house is their home first and foremost, but there's a chance the doggy will need to spend the odd afternoon at mine.

    I thought a labrador might be better than a terrier type dog, but who knows?
    I dont want to mess the owner around if the dog cannot come to my house.

    My cats are rescues and used to live with dogs, but the girl cat is quite nervous.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    Is the dog specifically to test animal behaviour?
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    Not sure what you mean Terry.
    I'd be helping out his owner , and getting to spend some time with a dog, that's all.
    I just wondered how he might react with my cats and if I'd need to do a slow integration if he needed to spend time at my house while his owner was busy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    Maybe ask his owner how they think he'd respond. My neighbour said he trained his dog to 'go for' cats (it isn't an aggressive dog but I've never seen it around cats) so I'd be careful, just in case. However if you keep it on a lead and make sure he can't hurt your cats then I can't see it causing much mayhem.

    My partner got a puppy a year ago against my wishes (we since rehomed it) and one of my cats was in absolute hell around it. The other two weren't though and one even lay next to the pup, so I guess they all react differently.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    So I met the dog and he was lovely, but he already has lots of other 'borrowers' who take him out etc.
    It sounds like the owner, although she loves him, wants him out of the way during the day so she can work from home. Makes me wonder why people get dogs when they don't want the full time commitment...
    Anyway, she said she was a bit unsure about him meeting my cats, as she did want to stress him out. I said I understood. I also dont want to stress my cats out but think they'd adapt quite quickly.
    I think i'll look for another owner who is in more urgent need of help x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    Working from home with a dog for company sounds perfect to me . My 16 year old dog died a year ago and I still miss her. I'm now thinking I would like another dog, an ex racing greyhound to be precise. But I have 2 cats and I do agency work so my hours change quite often. A dog is great company though so I'm looking into my options.
    Carrie,is there a local rescue centre you could volunteer at?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    Carrie might be worth contacting the Cinnamon Trust. They offer help to people who are unable to care fully for their pets.

    I bet they would bite your arm off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elen View Post
    I bet they would bite your arm off.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    Carrie there is always a risk, but saying that there is no reason why cats and dogs cant get on together also a young dog/pup is more likely to see this as play time wether the cats think so is a different matter it's not the cats that need training but more the dog to get along with cats my staffy bull terrier had massive prey drive and cats was no exception it took a long time to get my dog not to bother cats but it worked and now she no longer chases them but will greet them by sniffing where dogs sniff, some cats are ok with this others aren't but at least my dog will not chase or harras them. So keep any dog till you know it on lead near your cats and then watch the dogs reactions towards your cats and redirect (distract) the dog if any problems arise

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: dog meeting my cats?

    That's a concern I have/had concerning getting a dog for my wife and for now, that thought/idea has been scratched. Besides the interaction between the animals, Marcia is in no way, shape or form in a place where she could care for one from the cognitive standpoint.

    Worst case Carrie is the cats hide for a while until you take the dog home

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