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Thread: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

  1. #11

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    Great post, Beckybecks! I have most of the symptoms on your list, and the worse is probably the total loss of appetite due to stress. As soon as I wake up I need the loo - which causes anxiety and then I can't eat breakfast. Usually I need to go two or three times - and this then destroys my mood for the rest of the day... and I don't eat. I have had various types of health anxiety over the years (asked my doctor for a cardiograph at age 14, pushed the pharmacist to give me more vaccinations), but IBS is probably the worst... a vicious circle I can't break... But it's good to share with you guys here!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    Thanks for the post Beckybeck! x
    I always have a side pain that I mistaken for appendicitis quite often but had no idea it was linked to IBS
    ~Old account, now known as Aiden01 but kept this open so people can read my posts and hopefully learn from them x~

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    I have had IBS problems and went through the tests and scans and nothing serious was fine.

    I have found one of the food dishes which use to trigger my IBS more badly and that was a well known supermarket chicken en croute and also stressing did not help. Even though I stress a lot now my IBS has not come back.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    An update on this post:
    I started taking Iberogast about 10 days ago. It definitely helps with the pain-causing spasms. However the relief didn't last long enough for me and my anxiety was still sky high. I plucked up the courage to see a doctor. She confirmed it was chronic anxiety causing the IBS problems.

    She also told me that she prescribes Iberogast to all her IBS patients and recommends that even between flare-ups it should be continued on a long term basis as it helps to reduce the severity of the next bout. She said she knew of gastric specialists who were now prescribing this herbal remedy as it really does help and has no side effects.

    I was prescribed Librax which is an antispasmodic / anti anxiety drug but I have to confess that I haven't taken it yet.
    She confirms that in anxiety driven IBS symptoms, elimination diets don't really help. It's not about food but about controlling the anxiety.

    Just the reassurance from the Dr reduced my anxiety and two days later my pain has disappeared. Also my appetite has returned!

    It's a vicious circle, but it can be broken.
    General Anxiety, Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder for over 25 years. South Africa

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    Librax is a benzodiazepine so probably addictive if taken regularly. Glad your GP could reassure you through words alone. Anxiety is certainly the driving force behind IBS

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    Has anyone had an attack in the middle of the night?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    I've had IBS since childhood. Anxiety makes it flare up. Mine manifests as sudden, sharp (extremely painful) stomach cramps, followed by diarrhea.
    This happened more in my teens and young adult years... so much so that I worried it would prevent me from keeping employment. It's awful when it happens at work, especially when you work at a job where you can't freely leave your station and go to the restroom whenever you want.
    It happens less now that I'm older, but I'll get a flare-up a few times a year.... thankfully, usually at home.

  8. #18

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    "All of the above will disappear if I can get to sleep (even just for a nap). But symptoms return as soon as I'm fully awake and start focusing on my stomach."

    It's really funny but I was thinking this exact thing earlier, and actually found it reassuring. I can have really bad symptoms but once I sleep I'm fine...until I wake up again. If you were really ill it wouldn't work this way.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    Thanks for this post. Having a flare-up at the moment so posted (but in wrong section I just realised ) about my symptoms/worries and then found this.

    It's well-writted common sense made me feel MUCH better.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: For everyone worrying about their IBS symptoms

    Update on my original post:

    After my visit to the Dr my anxiety left and all my IBS symptoms too. I didn't take the medication, didn't need it, and I really hate taking meds.

    I've had a few symptoms during these three months but was able to control them I also started taking probiotics which I think has definitely helped.


    Then came Christmas and food.........
    Silly me, I thought I could eat absolutely anything. Gluten is a known trgger for me. I should've known I couldn't get away with it.

    My flare-up started five days ago. This time its all bloating and trapped wind and mostly in my chest. Chest pain is a big no-no for HA sufferers.

    I KNOW what it is. But stll its triggerd the panic. I've used my CBT exercises to try and control my thinking and realise that although I'm not scared that it could be something far more sinister than IBS, I'm actually just scared of the flare-up. Having been through it so many times I don't want to go through it again.

    So I've re-read my own post here, as I said in it, it's as much for myself as everyone else. I'm hoping it calms me down so I can break this anxiety-IBS loop that I'm headed into again.
    General Anxiety, Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder for over 25 years. South Africa

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