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Thread: Fear of none existence

  1. #1

    Unhappy Fear of none existence

    It just happened recently when I had come back from walking: I suddenly realised the shackles of my own mortality. As I am only 14 and to the best of my knowledge healthy, I do not know the exact source of the problem, I just fear that one day the only thing that will exist of me is the stone that bears my name, and as I am not religious, I can not find solace or Comfort in a mere book. I am just so terrified that this fear shall become a blight on the rest of my existence. Can anyone refer me to a source of comfort or diagnose me with an issue that may be treated or repaired?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: Fear of none existence

    Recognition of our own mortality is something we all have to live with.
    It will hit you again and again throughout your life, and most of the time you will- as everyone does- simply have to repress it in order to function and lead a meaningful life.
    I also am not very religious, although I am 30 years older than you, and I also believe that there is probably nothing after this life; no consciousness. Although I am certainly willing to entertain alternate ideas, and I have been known to pray fervently when I am scared, to whomever might be listening and have the power to intervene (hey, it can't hurt, right?).

    The thought of "nonexistence" does not scare me. I find it comforting. No more pain, no more fear, no more worries.
    I think that when we die, we are going back to the exact same place we were before we were born (ie, nowhere), for the exact same amount of time (forever).
    Since it didn't bother us not to exist before we were born, why should it bother us after we die?
    If that's true, and life is just a brief interlude of consciousness/existence in an endless sea of unconsciousness/nonexistence, then we'd better try to enjoy it and make the most of it, hadn't we?

    I do not fear being dead or not existing. I fear the physical process of dying. I fear pain, debility, helplessness, loss of dignity, endless onslaughts of medical procedures.

    Once we no longer exist, all that is gone, as is the fear itself, and even the memory of pain and fear.

    I don't think it's something to worry about, in fact I think you're better off not to dwell on it. And it does not hurt to explore alternate ideas about the afterlife; possibly you will find one that is more comforting to you personally than simple "nonexistence". Many people find comfort in the belief in an afterlife, or in reincarnation, for example. You don't have to believe it because "it's in some book".
    You can believe it because it comforts you. Or at least you can explore it.

    Just remember, each of us was born, and every single one of us will someday die. But nearly everyone is able to set aside this thought and carry on with their daily lives, so you must do that as well.

    Best wishes.

  3. #3

    Re: Fear of none existence

    Thankyou for the quick response, I have been thinking of talking to a doctor or GP about the issue, and I am always open to suggestions. The thing is, I have until recently had a belief in reincarnation, and it all just came shattering down. The thing that terrifies me is that I have a tendency to dwell on my fears, and the thought of that on epiphany ruining my experience of this life truly scares me. Once again thanks for the response!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Fear of none existence

    I've suffered with this for a long time. (Still do)
    I don't fear the process of death. I fear non existence. Not knowing I'm dead.
    I can't comprehend the notion of it. I get where you're coming from about religion and superstition, but you may want to look up physicist sir roger penrose & Stuart hammerof's theory of quantum computation through microtubials. In there it suggests consciousness can remain after physical death. This isn't pseudo science. Penrose is responsible for the Big Bang theory

    ---------- Post added 24-01-17 at 00:01 ---------- Previous post was 23-01-17 at 23:52 ----------

    Another logical way to see this is , you've been non existent for at least 4.5 billion years before birth, and now you exist. That's pretty solid testable data in favour of living after death.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Fear of none existence

    I had similar thoughts at your age after a friend died but was vaguely religious so that provided some comfort. When I was 21, I became a solid agnostic and it was like having to go through every death I'd experienced again and my fears of death and non-existence became catastrophic to the point I had to battle against intrusive thoughts at every point of the day reminded me one day I wouldn't exist. I wished I'd never existed.

    Meditation and mindfulness practice helped me loads. Daily practice and focus helped change my thought processes to not always worrying about the bigger picture and anchor my focus on day to day life and what I can do to make today special and worthwhile.

    The above advice is excellent. An Internet search will tell you you're not alone, lots of near death experiences I found very comforting and opened up the possibilities of what we can not know. There are a few books too if you search fear of death books, I recommended "staring at the sun" to a friend suffering recently (I think this anxiety is SO common but many are too afraid to say.)

    Vigorous exercise helps too. The rush of endorphins helps a state of calm and appreciation of the beauty of the world, how amazing it is to be alive. I remember doing a 5 day kayak course in the depths of my death anxiety and leaving feeling shattered but so serene and thinking "wow, I don't know what happens when I die bur that is one of the beautiful mysteries of life."

    It's about surrendering control. We can't know and we will never know. But we can't waste our one, precious life worrying about it. It is more than likely we might live to a grand old age and be at peace with dying (as is often reported with elderly people) and we will be cRoss with ourselves that we wasted so much time worrying.

    Distraction is key too. You are young so volunteer or join a club of sorts. Give back to the community or join a political party. Find a cause. Busy yourself, but take care of yourself and remember to breathe and appreciate the beauty around you.

  6. #6

    Re: Fear of none existence

    Well I guess this will not be a popular answer (from the couple I read) but I am here to tell you that at my age five I had a Near Death Experience (for real) and was warned (and given direction) about my life and its incredible challenge. If not for this NDE, I would not have been at all prepared for what has happened and would, perhaps, not have survived it. I suggest you begin your quest for truth by studying Quantum Physics in its simplest forms. At age 14, you are certainly able to read at an adult level. Douglas Ell has written a book called "Counting to God" that demonstrates in a readable manner how science has now actually proven the existence of God. And, it has. I've studied Quantum Physics for years as a layperson (not a physicist) and it is true: God exists. This book is available on Amazon and can also be purchased as an e book, it is not expensive. A great many people are angered by those who talk about God but, at age 14, you deserve to know, don't you think? Fear nothing.

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