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Thread: Pancreatic cancer worries

  1. #1

    Pancreatic cancer worries

    Hi I'm new here and just looking for some advice really. I have suffered with health anxiety for a few years now. At times it has literally taken over my life. For the last couple of months I've stated to develop nearly all of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have been to a and e three times and back and fourth from my doctors surgery numerous times. I honestly believe that they think any problem I have is in my head and don't take me seriously. I am 32 with 2 young children who are my absolute world and I'm so petrified about this :(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrissyt View Post
    Hi I'm new here and just looking for some advice really. I have suffered with health anxiety for a few years now. At times it has literally taken over my life. For the last couple of months I've stated to develop nearly all of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have been to a and e three times and back and fourth from my doctors surgery numerous times. I honestly believe that they think any problem I have is in my head and don't take me seriously. I am 32 with 2 young children who are my absolute world and I'm so petrified about this :(
    This post is like a HA parody.

    Fear of devastating illness - Check.

    Convinced all symptoms of said illness are present - Check.

    Convinced doctors aren't taking you seriously - Check.

    Repeated doctor and A&E visits - Check.

    Disbelief that your symptoms aren't mental - Check.

    I don't know your symptoms, I don't know how long you've had them etc, but what I am absolutely certain of is that you don't have pancreatic cancer and this is just another episode of HA doing it's dance.

  3. #3

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    Thank you so much for replying. Usually when I have bad episodes of health anxiety I have managed to snap out of it by now but this time is different. I'm in genuine pain that isn't going away. I'm praying you are right but at the moment I'm finding it hard to see any hope :(

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    Please develop: what are these symptoms?

  5. #5

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    Stomach tenderness, lower back pain and pain between shoulder blades, dark urine, pale stools, constant gurgling in stomach even after eating, extreme fatigue. Also my gp noted when I first went with this issue that my eyes were "slightly jaundiced" although so far this hasn't got worse. I have also lost about a stone in weight over the 2 months since symptoms started.

    ---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

    Also forgot to say I have been constantly bloated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrissyt View Post
    Stomach tenderness, lower back pain and pain between shoulder blades, dark urine, pale stools, constant gurgling in stomach even after eating, extreme fatigue. Also my gp noted when I first went with this issue that my eyes were "slightly jaundiced" although so far this hasn't got worse. I have also lost about a stone in weight over the 2 months since symptoms started.
    Let's see, the only objective symptom would be that jaundice, pale stools and dark urine. See, dark urine can come from bad hydratation and pâle stools from too rapid bowel movement. Hydrate fully and check on your urine again. The stools: abnormal color should be clayish or ash like/white. Yellow or greenish don't count as abnormal but refer to rapid transit or malabsorbtion syndrom. Plus, with high bilirubin levels you could be itching badly - is this the case? Now for pain, check out if bending forward alievate some of the pain (this is a classic with pancreatic issues). Abdomina pain has zillion reasons to be there. Weight loss can be stress or poor diet. Gurgling after lunch is not related to pancreatic cancer.
    If too worried head to gastroenterology dept in a hospital and ask for a full check up (internal ultrasound, CT scan with contrast, blood work Asat alat and pancreatic enzymes and amylase). Good luck.

  7. #7

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    The pain is made better by leaning forward. I have itching pretty bad, especially my arms and hands, however I have had full blood work done and other than raised white cell count they were all normal. They even did a pancreas blood test which was also came back within normal range but my understanding is that this can be the case with PC.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    Hum please answer two questions.
    A) at time your got tested for blood did you have these ´jaundice' stuff (itching' black urine, yellowish eyes and pale poo)
    B) did the results of your b work include bilirubin markers? And if yes were they over the top?

  9. #9

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    I had the dark urine and my gp had noticed the slight yellow in my eyes. Apparently my bilirubin was normal.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Pancreatic cancer worries

    Then I don t see how this dark urine and pale poo could be even remotely related to a pancreatic problem. It is NOT possible to be jaundice with normal bilirubin levels.
    But then again I am no physician and nobody here is apt to provide you with a diagnosis. If you doubt the conclusions of your former GP go ahed and seek another appointment with some other pratician. I would highly recommand your hop directly for a gastroenterologist as to quest for the guy in charge with belly stuff.

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