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Thread: Proper melt down!!!

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kay8010 View Post
    So went to the GP today to swap my blood thinners I have been on for 17 years to another less complicated one and I mentioned my coughing and shoulder pain, he did not entertain me other than come back in 6-8 weeks if nothing changes or worsens, said it was that time of the year where everyone is ill.
    From last week.

    Rather than re-assurance the GP would be better sorting out some proper help for the HA

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    I hope so but you really have to believe what the doctor says, Kay and it remains to be seen whether you will.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    Given up!!! I just cant cope anymore! Take care

  4. #94
    Join Date
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    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    You can't give up. You're a healthy young woman with a bright future, you just need to get past a few hurdles first and I promise you, you can achieve it.

    First thing is to see your GP about this Cancer worry you have. Once you have addressed that then be completely honest with them and ask for help for your anxiety issues and HA. GP's really do take this seriously because they know just how much it can effect someones quality of life.

    I've been where you are, at one point I used to be at my GP about twice every week because I was convinced I had something or another. This was even before HA had a name. Now, you're lucky if I see my GP once a year, if even that.

    You're just stuck in a horrible place at the moment and you need a little help to move on. And you will move on from it.

    Last edited by bottleblond; 23-01-17 at 22:23.
    "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice". Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself and you won't go far wrong.

  5. #95
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    Feb 2016

    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    That's right... regardless... I agree with you. This is just going around in circles and hopefully a medical professional can put it to rest.

    Positive thoughts
    Naw, her anxiety is probably at it's height right now. It takes a number of times of going to the docs to be told "your okay", getting CBT help from a therapist and lots and lots of anti-anxeity meds before one sees the light. I've been there so many times before, but sooner or later, one's logic and rational thinking starts to gradually take back over after all of that.

    Man it would be nice if we could just get rid of anxiety in a very short amount of time and never have to deal with it again, but unfortunately, as I've learned over time, that's not the case. It's very, very hard to get beyond the fearful thinking for some of us. Fear is too strong and possessive at times. Once it starts in heavy, it takes a life of it's own.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    Kay that's one thing you must never do, give up been there many times myself and yes thought that's it doesn't matter what condition(s) one has to bear with you have to keep going like In my case I am not far off from reaching rock bottom my self, but tomorrow I am taking steps to put that right. You can too

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Question Re: Proper melt down!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elen View Post
    From last week.

    Rather than re-assurance the GP would be better sorting out some proper help for the HA
    Absolutely, sadly it will take time and Kay will be fighting through until she gains sore ground.

    Kay, pain can manifest from the seasonal viruses. Currently my mum can barely walk due to rib pain and she has had the bug that is going around. Her GP has had a listen to her chest and it's an infection.

    I've had pneumonia before, as has my mum, and that often means pain. I felt like my ribs had been broken.

    If your GP had any concerns, you would have been sent for an urgent x-ray. My GF's mum had lung cancer and when she had her symptoms & trouble breathing, she was straight into the hospital.

    Try to remember the other possibilities as much as you can. It's going to be hard with your anxiety so bad right now but try and take it hour by hour, day by day. Your symptoms will improve and that will prove your GP right.

    ---------- Post added 24-01-17 at 00:07 ---------- Previous post was 23-01-17 at 23:59 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by PanickyGuy View Post
    Naw, her anxiety is probably at it's height right now. It takes a number of times of going to the docs to be told "your okay", getting CBT help from a therapist and lots and lots of anti-anxeity meds before one sees the light. I've been there so many times before, but sooner or later, one's logic and rational thinking starts to gradually take back over after all of that.

    Man it would be nice if we could just get rid of anxiety in a very short amount of time and never have to deal with it again, but unfortunately, as I've learned over time, that's not the case. It's very, very hard to get beyond the fearful thinking for some of us. Fear is too strong and possessive at times. Once it starts in heavy, it takes a life of it's own.
    Absolutely. The trouble is, what can a GP do? Maybe give you a short supply of Diazepam? Maybe antidepressants and the weeks that means with no benefit? Maybe a referral for therapy and months of waiting? There is the Crisis Team but they won't do much other than talk or recommend because unless you are so mentally unwell you need sectioning, their hands (and the GP's) are tied.

    If there is a Crisis Team phone line, there is that option. GP'S can be limited to 10 minutes so can be limited in what they can do for us even in reassurance.

    For the sake of a thread, if it's not going to achieve anything more than reassurance, I'm not sure a GP is the way to go unless it's gets so bad you really can't cope without. If Kay can somehow listen to people here, it can be the enough for some.

    The NHS isn't free. But if you truly need it, use it BUT please remember what everyone is saying because untreated anxiety will just keep this happening.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 24-01-17 at 02:08.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Absolutely. The trouble is, what can a GP do? Maybe give you a short supply of Diazepam? Maybe antidepressants and the weeks that means with no benefit? Maybe a referral for therapy and months of waiting? There is the Crisis Team but they won't do much other than talk or recommend because unless you are so mentally unwell you need sectioning, their hands (and the GP's) are tied.

    If there is a Crisis Team phone line, there is that option. GP'S can be limited to 10 minutes so can be limited in what they can do for us even in reassurance.

    For the sake of a thread, if it's not going to achieve anything more than reassurance, I'm not sure a GP is the way to go unless it's gets so bad you really can't cope without. If Kay can somehow listen to people here, it can be the enough for some.

    The NHS isn't free. But if you truly need it, use it BUT please remember what everyone is saying because untreated anxiety will just keep this happening.
    Yeah I heard or read that you guys across the pond have a hard time getting to see CB therapist over there or sounds like it takes forever to see one. That's not good. Over here, on occasions, depending on where one lives and on how many clinics are available in the area, it can take 3 to 6 months to see a CB therapist, but not always. I got in to see my first therapist in as little as a month. But that's here in the U.S. though.

    But here's the thing about seeing the GP or doctor from my experiences, whenever anxiety fooled me into thinking I got some dire disease - I knew just seeing the doc for every little ailment, without CBT and anxiety meds, was not going to help me 100 percent. Just seeing the doc was a temporary band-aid for a more deeper psychological issue; hence anxiety\panic disorder and PTSD in my case. But you know what,Terry? It still helped, even just a little bit, seeing the doc whenever I did, not entirely, no of course not, but it helped me to focusing more on doing something about my psychological issues, when my mind wasn't going 100 miles per hour.

    Here's another thing; Sometimes you get CB therapist that is just not capable at their job of helping you see logic and rationality. I've gotten a few bad ones in the past, that didn't really help me all that much and I could tell they were either new or just didn't care anymore about doing the job for whatever personal reason. Now of course I switched CB therapist until I got a good one again, but during those times when I had a CB therapist, that wasn't really helping me and my anxiety got the best of me during those times, just seeing that doc to take a look over me and run some tests, then reassure me nothing was wrong, staved off my anxiety and from having major panic attacks for months or kept it in check for a good while at least. Until of course I could get a better therapist and focus on getting better mentally.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make here is, it's not just go see a CB therapist and just get a hold on your anxiety and that's it, bam your done, problem completely solved, that's all your really need. No I beg to differ, the therapy takes time and in the meantime, those checks and tests from the doctor help reaffirm and stabilize our logical and rational thinking while we are going through the process of CBT.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    Hi Kay

    Just wondering if you managed to get an appointment and if so, how you got on?

    "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice". Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself and you won't go far wrong.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Proper melt down!!!

    Hi there

    Thanks for checking. Had a full blown melt down however saw the GP today. She listened to my lungs said it sounds good and clear, looked at my throat said it looks fine. I mentioned i am getting acid reflux all the way to voicebox again and ive had 3 colds lately more or less on top of each other. She says ive probably had a double whammy of reflux and a viral infection.

    I mentioned my shoulder and then broke down in tears telling her i have lung cancer. She said for a start lung cancer in my age group is very rare, secondly i need extensive help with my health anxiety. I have been given relux meds and citralopam again, she has booked an appointment for me in 4 weeks to see how i have been getting on with the tablets and the cough. She was such a nice doctor too

    So there you go. Going to try calm down and get these anti depressants down me and make a start on things, i have to help myself overcome this anxiety.

    I guess also logging on here reading about lumps and bumps and breathing and. Owel issues doesnt help me. I might need to take a break from it all, its only a downward spiral if i dont action this problem i have and fearing life!

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