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Thread: Worried about starting sertraline because of side effects

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Worried about starting sertraline because of side effects

    My doctor prescribed me this drug a little over a month ago and I still have not taken it. I have been on prozac a couple of times in the past and the side effects were horrendous for the first couple of weeks. Back then my anxiety and depression were so bad that it was that or nothing so I stuck it out and ended up having really good results with it. This time around I'm nervous because this is a new med for me. I've read it can cause weight gain so that's the biggest worry for me as I think that would have a bad effect on my self esteem which already isn't great. Has anyone had weight gain with this med? How controllable is it through diet? My willpower is good. I'm constantly trying to convince myself that I'm managing my anxiety ok without meds but in reality I'm not, it's getting worse and worse.

  2. #2

    Re: Worried about starting sertraline because of side effects

    I first took this as 50mg about a month ago, took one in the morning and my side effects were crazy, felt over happy, then would go mega tired to the point where my eyes were heavy , nausea and put me off food! I took the 50mg tablets for 2 days and couldn't handle it. I then decided to cut the tablet in half and try again, this was much better with no side effects, only sometimes I would find my anxiety would return late at night due to a low dosage, after 3 weeks I explained this to GP and they advised to go back to a full tablet, I did and for the last week I've had no side effects so far and feel great!
    Hope this helps

  3. #3

    Red face Re: Worried about starting sertraline because of side effects

    I've been taking high dose (200mg) a day for ages now - started on low dose with no effect. Initial side effects were soon over with, and now find it really helpful. Don't give up on it just yet. I'm not willing to reduce the dose though and GP hasn't suggested it either - as I feel 'normal' (ish!) now for the first time in what seems like forever. I still have my moments, but can generally rationalise and cope with things now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Worried about starting sertraline because of side effects

    Thank you both for sharing your experiences. When I was on prozac I was only on 20mg which I think is the lowest therapeutic dose and it worked great, so I am hhoping that the 50mg I have been given will do the trick. I like the idea of starting on 25mg and working up, and I think I might well try that, thank you again.

  5. #5

    Smile Re: Worried about starting sertraline because of side effects

    Hey Cattia - I started taking Sertraline for the first time about 8 weeks ago! Like you, I was worried about side effects, and I did get some but nothing major. Some indigestion, slightly upset stomach, a few chest pains but they did start to wear off - that was 50mg and I am still deciding whether to go up to 100mg. I made a record of how I was feeling every day so that I could see what was good and bad about it.

    PS - they made me lose my appetite a bit so I actually lost some weight - even though it was Christmas time that I started. Barely touched my Ferrero Rocher!

    One thing you may want to tinker with is whether you are better taking in the morning or at night. Good luck with it!
    Professional Worrier and Panic Merchant with over four decades of experience!

  6. #6

    Re: Worried about starting sertraline because of side effects

    I am glade to read this myself as like the OP I have not taken it yet I have 25mg have not started it yet as my concern is not weight gain but nausea even though I have that with my GAD.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Worried about starting sertraline because of side effects

    Quote Originally Posted by iwarzon View Post
    I have 25mg have not started it yet as my concern is not weight gain but nausea even though I have that with my GAD.
    Antidepressants probably don't cause nausea per se, but ramp up anxiety levels which in turn makes it worse. Ginger may ease it, as may vitamin B6 supplements. B6 is often recommended for morning sickness nausea.

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