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Thread: Do I just give up and take the medication?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Do I just give up and take the medication?

    Hey guys,
    If you know me from previous posts you'll know I've had panic disorder for years and I was on Prozac for 2 years. I relapsed after smoking weed in Amsterdam and became obsessed with my heart again. They've done all the tests with only the ambulance ecg coming back with artial fibrillation. Everything was clear after that test so I can only guess it got it wrong. Where I am right now: I'm drinking camomile tea twice a day which is helping a lot but my panic attacks are very intense and the physical symptoms to do with my heart are so overwhelming. I've just had one now and I could feel my heart beating everywhere and I've got a new symptom where I feel like my ears are ringing and I'm going deaf. Anyway I'm having a panic attack every two days, I don't want to put my partner through this anymore but the thought of the side effects going back onto the Prozac is putting me off. I was only on 20mg and I was so sick with side effects for 4 weeks. After the 4 weeks it saved my life. It's so scary because it just feels like something is really wrong which sends me into more panic. Please help should I just take the Prozac offer again?! It did stop them completely last time. Note that my panic attacks send me into panic for hours

  2. #2

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    In a word, yes. I take Prozac as well (60 mg) and must admit it was hellish waiting for it to kick in. However the side effects were temporary. Could also ask your Dr. about other SSRI options like Lexapro and Zoloft. I was on Lex for 10 years before it faded out and I transitioned to Prozac. For me Lexapro was great.

    Your post says it all, panic is unfortunately taking a toll on you currently and was gone when you were on medication. To me the answer is clear, but obviously I am pro-medication.

    If you do decide to go back on a SSRI, keep with it. The transition may be tough but temporary and you know the relief they can provide. Best wishes.
    What works for one person may not work for all.

    Always discuss medical concerns with your Dr.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    Hey thank you for the reply,
    I think it wouldn't be such an issue if it wasn't for this damn heart symptoms it's so overwhelming for me. My mum is very anti antidepressants but I've spoken to her about it (she tried to stop the doctor giving me them when I lived at home) and she agrees it's probably what I need right now. I've been told to ask about other medication but I'm worried they won't work as it could be a trial and a error, I just got really lucky with the Prozac and it worked I was a new person. I think I'll speak to my partner then to my gp and just go for it as I know it works and makes me a better person. I just don't like being down the medication route as it makes me feel a bit robotic a bit forced if that makes sense

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    Hi Kb this my stance on this re meds while they can and do help have you looked at having some sort of therapy instead of or combining the 2 together? we aren't dr's on here so my advice would be go back to your dr and discuss other avenues available to you Watched a programme last week on the over use of meds for Anxiety/Depression etc and even the dr on the programme said this is not good. As for ringing in your ear this is normal I have had it and it's possible it may be titinus It wont make you deaf either. As for your heart have you had this looked at with a ECG test? Iam med free and have been for years Iam proud of my self on that score and looking at other ways of controlling my conditions. Good luck keep us updated Cheers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , Croatia.

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    Taking medication doesn't mean giving up. Quite the contrary, it means being proactive in helping yourself cure the disorder and get healthy, get your life back. If you don't think Prozac agrees well with you, there are a number of other, different medications you could try instead. Perhaps you can mention this to your doctor. Forcing yourself to take Prozac will create the feeling of resistance towards the medication and will therefore create more anxiety. Find a medication that's suitable for you, give it time to start working, and keep working on resolving the issues that prevent you from being anxiety-free.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    I wouldn't say that taking medication is "giving up." That's a poor way of perceiving it.

    People take medications for a myriad of reasons. From diabetes to heart issues, many people are on medication, some people being on multiple (myself included). There is a stigma with mental health medications, but I feel that lately that has been falling away. More people are becoming more comfortable taking them or even just talking about them.

    There is no shame in taking the medications. But I was the same way as you... I viewed it as "giving in." I didn't want to rely on antidepressants for my anxiety and felt weak. But as the physical manifestations became more and more overwhelming, I "gave in," and it was a great decision to increase the quality of my life.

    Remember, not all people take medications forever. You may take them for a year and then be able to come off if life instances change or therapy is of profound benefit to you. But even if you do have to take them for a long time, there is no shame, friend. You need to do what you need to do to feel better.

  7. #7

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    Hi Kb97 / All,

    Reading your messages is like reading the story of my life approximately 4 years ago. I had panic attacks, sometimes three a day. I became agoraphobic due to panic. I was absolutely obsessed about my heart and had test after test. Heart would skips beats due to high stress and panic and adrenaline, I was convinced I was dying. I was lucky. I met via forums a guy who suffered as I did. He put me onto a website in Australia of another guy who had suffered and documented his story. Best thing I ever did was getting his ebook. The long and short of it was that I didn't want to be reliant on meds but it was going that way. I learnt that until I remove the Valium and dealt with it head on, I got nowhere, just kept going in circles. Symptoms were horrific but with his ideas I made more ground than ever. I could barely walk my symptoms were so bad at one point. Thankfully I'm all good. Happy to discuss my experiences with all on these forums. Website was Cheers

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , Croatia.

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    Pan1c, I'm agoraphobic and I'm at a point where I struggle to walk places 5 minutes away from my house because it's so bad. However, medication helps relieve the tension so that I can remain as functional as I can be. I agree, depending on medication alone isn't useful as there is no magic pill, but some of us simply can't afford to slip back into a place where we the panic is so bad we can no longer go out, work, and where all we do is suffer terribly each and every day. I'm glad you found the strength and courage to push through and come out the other end, and you should be very proud of yourself.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    I think if the meds worked for you before then you should try again.
    I am your typical anti medication person and I go through a couple years on antidepressants then get all confident and tell myself I can do it without but after a few months I am worse than I ever had been.
    I don't see the point in fighting it if the meds are there and can help you. I am currently feeling quite shit from the side effects of prozac but I am sure I will be fine again soon. I just told myself I need to work, I need my life back, I like life apart form the crippling anxiety so I just walked to my shelf and took the first capsule and decided I needed to. Simple as
    Hope you feel better soon x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Do I just give up and take the medication?

    The simple answer is "Yes".

    NOTE: Taking meds is not "giving up". Mental illness is an illness just like any other and sometimes you need meds to help treat it. Think of them as a crutch to help you walk until you get your feet back under you

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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