Quote Originally Posted by Victory2016 View Post
Hi all,

My psychiatrist prescribed me Zyprexa. He said I can play around with the dose. He prescribed 2.5mg and said I can take 1/2 tab up to 2 tabs. How long should I give each dose before increasing. I took 1/2 tab last night before bed and slept great. I do feel a little calmer today and mood a little improved. I do feel really groggy and tired though.

I have really bad anxiety and depression.

Should I increase the dose like every three days or so? Any suggestions appreciated. Doc told me they take effect right away, but from reading online I am seeing contradictions that it takes a week or so.

I also take 20mg Celexa and .5mg of Klonopin 2xDaily.
its works a few hours after you have taken it.