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Thread: Hypnotherapy

  1. #1


    Has anyone tried hypnotherapy for anxiety and sleep issues? I've just had my second session today and even though I had a strong healing response last week my anxiety has actually reduced in frequency. Feeling pretty ropey today though, another healing response kicking in but sleep should sort some of that out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    Quote Originally Posted by EJKM87 View Post
    Has anyone tried hypnotherapy for anxiety and sleep issues? I've just had my second session today and even though I had a strong healing response last week my anxiety has actually reduced in frequency. Feeling pretty ropey today though, another healing response kicking in but sleep should sort some of that out.

    I've been curious about trying it! How does it work? What is a healing response? Hope it works for you

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    I had it for anxiety as i'm giving up on the NHS, they only want to ply me with drugs that make me manic which is a massive no-no! I've had an overall positive result so far, the session was like nothing ive ever experienced. You aren't put to sleep and stay very aware but at the same time you feel sort of out of touch with your body if that makes sense? My first session was a huge conflict as my body was starting to fall into hypnosis but my heart was pounding, but I got there eventually. My therapist did a consultation and prepared various scripts for my anxiety and sleep issues. The anxiety on a general daily basis isnt as noticeable and for the past 2 nights since my sleep session ive slept without remembering dreams and nightmares.
    A healing response is a term applied to Complementary Therapies (im a Reflexologist but still got freaked out!) and occurs after a treatment. Not everyone gets them, and you can't predict if someone will but they range from physical symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, bowel/urinary output increase, fatigue, unusually high energy levels to emotional ones which can be anything. Emotional highs, lows and anything inbetween. The theory is if that any imbalance in the body or brain will present itself as a healing response and although scary for some people they're temporary and tend to subside as treatment progresses.
    I think I went off on a tangent there, i'm all over the place today so just rattling away!

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    I have had clinical hypnotherapy now for 12 months, I go every 2 weeks and have found it a great help.

    The person I visit works in the now and the future by putting positive thoughts into your mind. I dont go into an actual sleep, they dont want that, it means you have gone too deep and they will bring you out of it, but very near, I do dream but also aware of their voice talking to me.

    Now as they say, I dont have to listen because the subconscious mind will and will take it in.

    When I first went, my face and neck muscles would spasm if they tried to input any positive thoughts or ideas which go against my anxiety thoughts. This they explained was the brain rejecting these new ideas, but now this has been replaced by an occasional finger wag as I have got better.

    Last week was the ultimate though, they put a thought out there and told me to grab it and I did, much to there surprise too. I actually, whilst under hypnosis, clenched both hands and tried to grab this "thing".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    Yes I've tried hypnotherapy for my confidence and anxiety issues, rubbish.
    Last edited by Barry boy; 25-08-17 at 20:08.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    I know this thread is a few months old, but I've only just seen it.

    I've tried a few hypnotherapy mp3's in the last couple of months and they've really made a difference to how I feel. I've used "Positive Thoughts with CBT", "Confidence and Self-Esteem" and another one for Depression which I can't remember the title of.

    You're meant to use them every day for five days and then maybe twice a week or whenever you feel the need. The ones I have are by Sharon Shinwell, but others are available. You can buy them on CD on the site that sounds like a south american river, but the mp3 download is cheaper on the Shinwell's own site.

    I don't have any connection with the Shinwells, I just found their recording's very helpful. (and I'm a massive introvert, btw).

    I would like to try real life hypnotherapy too, but it's so expensive compared to the downloads!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    Downloads is a great idea! I never thought of that. I'm trying hypnotherapy next month, I'm nervous about it. I'm going to one with good reviews. I'll post if it works for me
    I know two people it did work for, both were to cure phobias. So fingers crossed
    Raised by wolves and other beasts.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    I hear you Barry Boy. I had similar. In the end I told mine I felt great simply to get out. He didnt have a lot of patience and when I said sonething negative he actually tutted.
    It wasnt a lot of help. I went off fairly quickly but he wanted to take me to a panic so he could talk me into a different way of dealing with it. Fair enough, makes sense but I would not go into one. I fought him subconsciously and in the end "woke" myself up.
    He said he had cured loads of people but I wonder whether he actually did. Did he get feedback. I imagine I was added to his list of cured lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    Hi Darksky, hypnotism does work for sure. If you think about it we are all hypnotised to some extent. Advertising, social media etc etc are all ways of brain washing people.
    I went a bit mental last year and bought a fancy car, I was shocked at some of the reactions I got from people. Peoples attitude really does change toward you depending on what kind of car you drive/own, the type of clothes you wear etc. We are all brainwashed when you think about it. I think if you trust the hypnotist you are working with, you stand a good chance of getting something out of it.

  10. #10

    Re: Hypnotherapy

    Have you watched get out? it's actually the mother which is a killer uses this kind of ability. She can stop your addiction to cigarettes in an instant.

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