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Thread: Anxiety or heart rythem?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Anxiety or heart rythem?

    I know I have anxiety, here's no question about that. As of late though, more specific it's been about 2 weeks possibly. What happens is at night around 8-10pm my heart will start racing out of no where for no reason which in turn causes me panic basically. Recently I had a friend who was thought to have anxiety for 9 years basically find out that his problem has been SVT and that could be in the back of my head. I've had a stress test about 4 years ago and wore a halter monitor some years back for reasons I can't remember. I took Prozac on and off for years and when I stopped taking it I quit cold turkey a few months back. So I don't know if that could change me chemistry. I could be reaching here and it all just be anxiety, which would be great, but can't escape my negative thoughts. Also when I lay down at night my heart seems to have an altered beat and I find myself waking up from not breathing sometimes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Anxiety or heart rythem?

    Anyone else experience any of these problems?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Anxiety or heart rythem?

    Can you ask your doctor to prescribe a beta blocker? That will help tremendously with the tachycardia. How high does your heart rate go? I had what I considered a high baseline resting heart rate (over 90). My doctor gave me a beta blocker and it has helped tremendously .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Anxiety or heart rythem?

    I don't even exactly have tachycardia. I'd say I'm borderline bradycardia for the most part. My heart rate in the evenings at rest can get in the low fifties. Last appointment I had I was 110/70 60bbm. It just feels really weird at night or sometimes when I lie down for example. Today I've been under the weather and went to rest and when I began to lie down it felt like it was skipping a beat or there would be random flutters and thuds. I had a stress test 4 years ago that was normal. And I've had a few EKGs that showed nothing. None of these have been recently of course.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Anxiety or heart rythem?

    Occasional palpitations (skips, flutters, etc) are very common with stress and anxiety, and also when physically ill - from the common cold to the flu to most others. If you've been "under the weather" today, it's not surprising you're having those sensations, IMO. The problem isn't that you have them; it's that you notice them and pay attention to them.

    If these are new to you, or they don't feel like normal palpitations you may get, see your doc. That doesn't mean something is wrong, but that's usually a perfectly reasonable time to see your doc. Most things we feel are normal, if they're normal for us. It's when things change, especially noticeably and/or persistently, that can potentially indicate a problem.

    I've felt what I think would be most possible types of palpitations over the past few years. They used to worry me, but not anymore. It happens, especially with stress/anxiety.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Anxiety or heart rythem?

    I'm thinking it's just anxiety and stress. Especially for the fact I only notice these problems in the evening. I don't understand how I'd just randomly develop an abnormal heart rate either. I sure it's possible and I don't want to look it up but I don't know how that would happen.

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