Hi there and welcome. I think you absolutely do have a reason for this anxiety in the form of your redundancy, career and money worries. These things would bring alot of people down for sure. I think you went through such trauma in 2014 when you last experienced anxiety symptoms, that you're thinking that nothing would ever compare to that, so why would something which to you seems less devastating bring on anxiety.

Losing your job is a big deal, so i'm not surprised your stomach is doing flip flops, or that you're having disturbed sleep. You say you're a worrier and that in itself can produce stress and physical symptoms...even when there's nothing to worry about, let alone when there is!

I'm assuming you still don't want to go down the meds route? I take my hat off to anybody who copes with anxiety without meds, however they do have their place short term. I take beta blockers which stop the adrenalin from hurtling around and calms my heart down really well, and they're not mind-altering drugs like others are. Alternatively you could perhaps try the many natural remedies out there such as Valerian and Kalms which are nature's tranquilisers.

Good to meet you