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Thread: cricopharyngeal spasm?-don't worry not dangerous!

  1. #1

    cricopharyngeal spasm?-don't worry not dangerous!

    Hi everyone,
    I know how awful the "lump" in throat symptom can be, I've struggled with it on and off for some time.
    Recently the choking sensation became more acute out of the blue, with neck tightness and a very pronounced lump feeling and each bout would last some hours.
    My doctor reassured me it was the usual globus problem but my mind wasn't completely put at rest because this feels a bit different and lasts longer.
    I did some research online and found out about a disorder called cricopharyngeal spasm which I am almost 100% sure is what i have at the moment.
    The good news is that it is harmless and self-limiting and will resolve itself over a period of time. It is usually associated with a stress condition.
    Technically, the normal contraction of the oesophagus becomes a little impaired which results in a spasm which causes these uncomfortable swollen throat feelings(feels terrible but absolutely not dangerous!) the lump can feel large and sometimes painful; saliva is difficult to swallow but eating can in fact allow tightness to alleviate for a time; the sensation comes and goes from day to day.
    Symptoms can be mimicked by pressing just below adam's apple area at front of neck or wearing a tight polo neck would create a similar feeling. All very uncomfortable, certainly panic-inducing but in no way harmful.
    I just want to say that I really sympathize with anyone going through something like this because it really is an unpleasant symptom. I think it really helps if you can learn not to give it so much importance and to regard it like a spasm or twinge in any other part of the body that is less sensitized and immediate as the throat, and allow it to work its way naturally out of the system in its own good time-I now easier said than done!
    Other tips-relaxation exercises to decrease muscle tension and de-clench parts of the body especially jaw tightness, shoulders and neck;
    breathing exercises to reduce stress levels;
    magesium supplements help with muscle spasms;
    Most of all hold on to the fact that this will pass and can perhaps be accepted as a useful lesson in learning to listen to your body and reducing stress-a negative can almost always be turned into a positive-
    Best of luck to everyone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: cricopharyngeal spasm?-don't worry not dangerous!

    For any of you who have not heard of cricopharyngeal spasm's before, its another name for Globus Hystericus. Its just the literal name of what occurs when you have it, thats all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: cricopharyngeal spasm?-don't worry not dangerous!

    Hi! I am having that feeling at the moment and what I think it triggered it was drinking a sip of coke I kind of swallowed too quick so I got a very painful esophageal spasm and since then I had the chocking feeling, exactly how you described it. It's very bothersome and because I suffer from anxiety feels a lot worse

  4. #4

    Re: cricopharyngeal spasm?-don't worry not dangerous!

    I started experiencing spasms periodically, to daily in Fall of 2015. After numerous tests - barium swallow, ultrasound, endoscopy, allergy test, blood test etc. I do not lead a stressful lifestyle or anxious which are known causes. I decided to take matters into my own hands, conducting numerous hours of research. I can finally say that my symptoms have almost close to stopped. Here is what I figured out:
    - Magnesium deficiency: any and all spasms seem to be caused to due to a magnesium deficit. Blood tests do not represent, record accurate Magnesium levels. Taking Magnesium Bisglycinate with food once a day has helped slow down, and finally stop the symptoms.
    - Maca Powder Capsules (Vega): I have been taking Maca capsules in conjunction with Magnesium which has helped. I stopped taking it over a weekend, and noticed that the symptoms reappeared.
    - Diet: I became a vegetarian (eat fish), almost close to a Vegan (no milk, still consume cheese, and eggs occasionally) which I believe has left me with a mineral, vitamin deficiency. I believe this is the root cause of my spasms. I have no intention of consuming meat or poultry but may have to start including milk in my diet.

    It took several months for the spasms to diminish. I can confirm with some level of certainty that they have close to disappeared.

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