OCD is SO complex. I have had it for 26 years but after 5 years of exposure therapy I have almost totally won the battle with it. I no longer say I have OCD but it comes and goes and always will. I registered here because I am also a cyclothymia sufferer (so not bipolar enough to join a bipolar forum) with chronic anxiety on a daily basis. When I was young I was depressed. One psychologist told me I was traumatised.

After a while I very naturally got fed up of labels and not knowing how to define myself and looked at the facts: I was often afraid of leaving the house. Most of my problems come down to anxiety. I don't remember a time when I didn't worry. Whether it is seen through OCD or otherwise isn't important in my view. I don't really look at categories anymore. I look at the person and I listen. I offer sympathy and if I can ideas. I don't see the OCD site suggestion as anything other than helpful and I would imagine that people are still welcome on NMP as OCD is really anxiety based. I would flit between the two according to the problems I am encountering! Although sometimes one may have bizarre obsessions and really feel like an OCD sufferer, on other days one may feel agorophobic, horribly anxious or phobic.
I know few people who have only one problem. The important thing is to offer those the specialist help should they need it as yes OCD is crippling and I have only got where I am today through specialist help from a top OCD expert so specialist help is ESSENTIAL for recovery. It is VERY complex and very hard to get through without real medical support from a trained professional. It is however also important to accept that those people with OCD may slide between sites according to what issue they are tackling and to make them feel welcome. Find me an OCD sufferer without anxiety...