Quote Originally Posted by elbow_geese View Post
Did you find it difficult to change your lifestyle, I'm 23 and I have to say the hardest thing to change is Drinking, do you drink at all? or have you had to stop completely?

I should be clear, I am in no way an alcoholic and I do not drink every day. But I do drink every week.

The problem I am finding is changing all these things that I enjoy is actually causing me more stress.
I certainly was a wild one in the past but it was those very things that contributed to the physical issues I deal with today. For all intents and purposes, due to the medications I take for my physical issues, I don't drink. What I mean is that I will indulge in "a" beer, maybe two, 2x a month with a good meal. I don't drink spirits and I have difficulty with wine so that's gone too.

I get that at 23 the social aspects of alcohol and food are prevalent but if you're finding a correlation (keep that food and beverage journal) between a few beers and added reflux, it's a no brainer.

Based on your post, the pattern of how and when it affects you is definitely stress related IMO. Getting help for your anxiety will also treat the physical ramifications of it as well.

Positive thoughts