Hi Mermaid,

How did things go today? I have noticed an increase in heart rate too, but then it goes back to normal. Like right now it's at 67 which is good. You are right about not changing too many variables at once. I was thinking about raising the dose this weekend and then seeing how that goes. Otherwise, I may ask to switch over from Celexa to Lexepro. Lexepro is supposed to be better for anxiety (and is the sister drug), however I remember trying that years ago. I only stuck it out for 7 weeks. I may try that again and see how it goes :( It's too bad that clonazepam is the only thing helping me. I wonder if I'll be on that for the rest of my life. One day at a time, I suppose. Not sure how i'm going to know when to wean off that, but we'll see.