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Thread: the EU & the UK

  1. #491
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    It looks like the Globalists are opening a new front in their ongoing war on Britain, that is to turn the young against the old. The old might be able to see through this but young people brainwashed with years of Marxist propaganda will easily fall in to this trap.

    They have already been successful in turning women against men and destroying the concept of family units. They imported millions of immigrants from the 3rd world knowing well in advance that this will wreak havoc on society eventually leading to a race war.

    A lot of the older people woke up to this plan and voted for Brexit, they voted against globalism and for Britain to no longer be part of the new world order.
    No no no, where is there any proof of Youngsters brainwashed with Marxist propaganda. The main propaganda in the UK thats spread is that of the Capitalist economy and the new navigation around that and Globalism.

    Youngsters are exposed to very little political thinking these days until they perhaps get to University. Otherwise its a feed of memes and internet news.

    Im old and I didnt wake up and vote for Brexit either. We really do seem to have a complete revisionist view around Brexit and the reasons people voted for it. The main reason people voted for Brexit was and still is Immigration and the fears peddled around immigration.

    Those who were not fearful of immigration mainly voted Remain. There is a middle ground where other reasons for voting were had Im sure.
    Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?
    Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly.

  2. #492
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    Mar 2014

    Re: the EU & the UK

    I think the government are dreaming on this one:

    Even if we all cooperate the EU can always decide to change it subject to any contractual agreements made. That's life. We can agree to talk to the US, or any other country, but if they don't want us to, they can pull the plug anytime or revoke subject to international law.

    Equivalence will always be in the hand of the grantor.

    I don't really see an issue anyway, businesses trade all over the world and have to conform to local regulation to do so. It's the business that proves it's equivalence, not the market. It's different with financial services because it's paper shuffling not physical products.

    If we want to strike a deal that covers market level we need to ensure we have contractually agreed to market equivalence at the other end. The only issue is having a say in whether we agree to "upgrade" as the foreign party creates new regulations. The same could apply here but it's certainly not a matter of influencing each other's laws, it's about either side making their own progress and giving notice to the other that they need to keep up or ship out.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #493
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by mezzaninedoor View Post
    No no no, where is there any proof of Youngsters brainwashed with Marxist propaganda. The main propaganda in the UK thats spread is that of the Capitalist economy and the new navigation around that and Globalism.

    Youngsters are exposed to very little political thinking these days until they perhaps get to University. Otherwise its a feed of memes and internet news.
    Marxist propaganda is not just being spread in schools and colleges but through news, tv shows, movies, music, basically every form of entertainment. If you ever go to the bbc home page and check out their news items, it's a wet dream come true for any cultural Marxist. Just an example of what is going on in schools today:

    Should kids be brought up as gender neutral?

    "For six weeks, the children used the same toilets, played the same sports, and read the same books. Their teacher was careful to speak to them in the same way - not saying ‘mate’ to the boys and ‘love’ to the girls."

    This is social engineering on an epic scale, i feel sorry for the kids in our schools these days, they don't stand a chance against this onslaught of Marxist brainwashing.
    Last edited by Hollow; 24-08-17 at 19:51.

  4. #494
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    Mar 2014

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    Marxist propaganda is not just being spread in schools and colleges but through news, tv shows, movies, music, basically every form of entertainment. If you ever go to the bbc home page and check out their news items, it's a wet dream come true for any cultural Marxist. Just an example of what is going on in schools today:

    Should kids be brought up as gender neutral?

    "For six weeks, the children used the same toilets, played the same sports, and read the same books. Their teacher was careful to speak to them in the same way - not saying ‘mate’ to the boys and ‘love’ to the girls."

    This is social engineering on an epic scale, i feel sorry for the kids in our schools these days, they don't stand a chance against this onslaught of Marxist brainwashing.
    Did you see the Canadian who had gender neutral on the birth certificate? I would say the most propaganda that poor kid will be getting brainwashed with will be by the mother.

    ---------- Post added at 01:44 ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by mezzaninedoor View Post
    No no no, where is there any proof of Youngsters brainwashed with Marxist propaganda. The main propaganda in the UK thats spread is that of the Capitalist economy and the new navigation around that and Globalism.

    Youngsters are exposed to very little political thinking these days until they perhaps get to University. Otherwise its a feed of memes and internet news.

    Im old and I didnt wake up and vote for Brexit either. We really do seem to have a complete revisionist view around Brexit and the reasons people voted for it. The main reason people voted for Brexit was and still is Immigration and the fears peddled around immigration.

    Those who were not fearful of immigration mainly voted Remain. There is a middle ground where other reasons for voting were had Im sure.
    Universities seem to be part of the problem. They should be neutral. There is also the rise in anti semitism at them.

    The youngest were the weakest vote, most didn't bother. We don't really know what they think about the EU other than those who engaged with it. They have grown up with EU signs anywhere (how about those educational posters showing the EU is good?). Near to me there is an old pottery zone with an EU regeneration sign up. The place is maze of derelict buildings with a couple of newer builds. It's not an EU funded "zone", more a couple of buildings. And that EU UK money as the EU doesn't give us any money unlike the poorer nations.

    Imigration is one of the big reasons but far from the only one. Some people were supporters of Tony Benn, they didn't vote due to immigration but because they disagree with the EU big business superstate that ver closer union is pulling it to. Benn was very much on the left, and a greater man than Corbyn, and he was ridiculed back then for arguing to vote not to stay in the mid seventies.

    I've seen left wingers arguing that the EU exists purely to make profits for big business (look how much they spend on being ferried around, just like local waste) and is not for the good of the workers or the public.

    Some argue the hard left & right were unified in voting leave but for very different reasons.

    The workers profit by FOM but make no mistake, that was a construct to allow big business to move anywhere in the zone and get the cheapest people they could. Remember the big motor industry boss recently saying the EU is more important than trade with the UK and he was willing to ship his whole business to a cheaper EU country to compensate? That's a shitty way to treat those German workers and shows his commitment is only to his wallet. That's not a good thing unless you are on the board or a shareholder, a very capitalist attitude.

    There were many reasons for voting Leave (not this fake rubbish about that bus and what the wording meant, I'm yet to speak to anyone who thought the money would go to the NHS) just as there are many reasons people voted Remain. Some say they voted Remain because they didn't understand it all so why rock the boat? Some say they were worried about their bills and you can understand that and whilst the economy is bound to change, Osbourne's message of punishment wasn't very nice either. Some say they voted Remain because they didn't think a Leave vote was possible anyway (a bit stupid in my opinion). But then some voted Leave just to stick it to the goverment (against, stupid).

    To make it all about immigration is also revisionist. It's like me making it all about fat cats & profits for voting Remain. Both were some of the bigger issues of the two but I'm betting my money on you voting Remain for reasons other than this because you aren't like that and I have a vision of you voting for more important, less economic reasons, as you come across as committed to future generations in more social ways.

    There is a lot of polling data getting pushing around. But the simple question to ask is "how do they confirm who was a Leave or Remain voter?" I saw one just the other day stating 1 in 4 of Leavers feel lied to. They could be all Remainers for all we know, they work on trust afterall. Just as all the polls leading up the vote itself were quite a way out.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #495
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Did you see the Canadian who had gender neutral on the birth certificate? I would say the most propaganda that poor kid will be getting brainwashed with will be by the mother. [COLOR="blue"]
    I saw that news story, Canada is being used as the testing ground for the most depraved type of social engineering which is not a surprise with Turdeau as their PM. But we are not that far behind, this is just a ordinary family in today's modern Britain:

    Britain's FIRST gender fluid family: Father who's transitioning to be a woman and mother who identifies as male and female are raising their son, not to get 'hung up' on being a boy

  6. #496
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    Jul 2015

    Re: the EU & the UK

    So what do you want. You want the status quo to be engineered for?
    LGBTQ not to be catered for?
    Humanism not to be embraced rather than Religiosity?
    Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?
    Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly.

  7. #497
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    So, the government has stated local courts will still have jurisdiction in the EU when dealing with the UK and the issue resides between us and that country. Isn't that a bit like saying the sky is still blue?

    The ECJ is the issue. Our lot want a new body that rules on disputes that is made up of us & them. The ECJ certainly can't apply to us post Brexit unless we stay in the CU or Single Market to an extent. The issue seems to be more that the EU can escalate to the ECJ on EU laws but we are surely just transitioning to the same legal position of all the other countries in the world?

    It seems to me that the ECJ could be manipulated by us where local law has denied us so the ECJ so it raises some interesting questions but there is no way the ECJ can overrule British Law post Brexit anymore than US courts can.

    As for EU citizens in the UK being able to use the ECJ for matters in the UK nope you get the same as any other foreign citizen from outside the EU. It's not like you will let our UK citizens in the EU bring in the British courts.

    ---------- Post added at 04:42 ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    I saw that news story, Canada is being used as the testing ground for the most depraved type of social engineering which is not a surprise with Turdeau as their PM. But we are not that far behind, this is just a ordinary family in today's modern Britain:

    Britain's FIRST gender fluid family: Father who's transitioning to be a woman and mother who identifies as male and female are raising their son, not to get 'hung up' on being a boy

    He chose which would be dad? So, if after he also called the dog "dada"

    These are the fringe cases to me. Just as some people like to live their lives as human dolls or dog/cat culture.

    People get so hung up on "gender specific" toys & colours.

    The parents can transition all they want, they are old enough to make that decision, but a young child is a tricky one.

    If someone feels they are in the wrong gender body they try to change it. Therefore they must believe in traditional gender assignment in the first place? Assigning yourself man & woman seems as possible as deciding you are a wardrobe?

    ---------- Post added at 05:06 ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 ----------

    Asked by our reporter if he is a boy or a girl, he says he is a boy. But he changes his answer when Nikki interjects with: “Or are you just a person?”

    Yet they aren't imposing their views on him?

    And they don't buy him gender specific toys but he plays with Barbie's? I never knew that wasn't gender specific They talk about toy shops being "binary" because boys stuff is on boys shelves and vice versa yet they bought Barbie's? So, the fact that's on a girl's shelf can be conveniently forgotten when needed?
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  8. #498
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    The rejection of the European Commission’s proposal by 18 member states is the first time that the commission

    EU failed to get this through, but did they...

    And yet member states didn't back it openly voted against it. Democratic?

    So, business comes before the environment here? And what about the consumer paying more? And the energy companies continuing to make money because many will not invest or can't?

    But wait, we voted Leave to become protectionist...but the EU isn't?
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  9. #499
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Jacob Rees Mogg is the right man at this point in time to lead Britain through Brexit and beyond, he has the credibility that Theresa May lacks to take the fight to the EU gangsters. The fact that he's constantly under attack from the traitors in the press means that he is now a real danger to the establishment.

    As per their modus operandi the fake media is trying to destroy his reputation by attacking his personal beliefs. It was sad to see him being ambushed on the "This Morning" show by fake journalist and chief **** Piers Morgan. This is further proof that in multi-cultural Britain there is no room for people who want to hold on to traditional values.

    Last edited by Hollow; 10-09-17 at 21:39.

  10. #500
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    Jacob Rees Mogg is the right man at this point in time to lead Britain through Brexit and beyond, he has the credibility that Theresa May lacks to take the fight to the EU gangsters. The fact that he's constantly under attack from the traitors in the press means that he is now a real danger to the establishment.

    As per their modus operandi the fake media is trying to destroy his reputation by attacking his personal beliefs. It was sad to see him being ambushed on the "This Morning" show by fake journalist and chief **** Piers Morgan. This is further proof that in multi-cultural Britain there is no room for people who want to hold on to traditional values.
    Jacob Rees Mogg?

    You've been at the waccy-baccy again, Agent H

    Never Surrender, Comrade

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