Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
I understand KK this guy is not everyone's cup of tea, a throwback to another century probably but atleast he's comfortable in his own skin and not pretending to be one of us like a lot of these politicians.

He does have some controversial views on welfare reform and zero hour contracts and I'm not familiar yet with his position on a lot of the other stuff.

However looking at the big picture and considering how quickly this country is descending in to total chaos, this guy seems level -headed enough to atleast attempt to steady the sinking ship. It's also a bonus that he's not a complete traitor like the majority of politicians.
Nope! I'm afraid you must attend the de-Mogg-italisation programme forthwith. There is no other way - you have been Mogg-italised and it's not your fault

I don't judge people TBH, Agent H. Politicians are a lying class by nature and learn early on how to debate on an intellectual level. Later on they learn how to play and manipulate on an emotional level too. Blair portrayed himself as a "straight kinda guy" but was anything but that. Moggs might be of another era but I've been told that of myself too