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Thread: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    Okay so as I've previously mentioned I walked by a bush on my way home a couple of weeks ago and heard squeaking and rustling and then a small flying thing burst out of the bush and flew off into the night. When I got home I noticed two small puncture wounds right next to each other on my left hand that seemed pretty fresh and were hurting. I flipped out and went to the emergency room. Rabies is my biggest fear when it comes to my HA and I have gone through this anxiety before.. but this time the hospital took me seriously and gave me the vaccines. The very first shot, I found out around the time of my third one, was given in the wrong muscle in my arm. Which means it may not have even been effective. The hospital and my doctor have tried to reassure me several times that they are positive I will be fine and it still worked anyway but I'm not convinced. I received my last dose today and the nurse who did it injected it way too fast and a bunch of it leaked out. Like really there was vaccine liquid dripping down my arm past my elbow and she just shrugged and said it was fine. But I know it's not fine because every other nurse who gave me the shots before made extra careful sure that none of it leaked out. I told the other nurse who came in about it and she said it would probably be okay but she went and asked a doctor for me who also said I would be fine and they sent me on my way. They didn't want to repeat the vaccine because rabies vaccine is a really strong thing that too much of can cause serious side effects. Also they cost a lot of money.. I'm freaked out and I know I will spend the next month at least worried that I will come down with rabies and die.. I hate this. Anyone have any opinions on how the vaccines were administered? I mean honestly this is RABIES we are talking about not the freaking flu. This all just seems so risky and unprofessional.. I am so scared..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    It doesn't matter because you don't have rabies

    Good luck and as always...

    Positive thoughts
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    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    I've had injections where there has been leakage. I think this is expected and catered for. Sometimes they test it is coming out anyway. The dosage won't be so exact that any small deviation will render it ineffective otherwise any residue left in would be a problem too.

    Given it in the wrong muscle? According to whom? That would be a pretty stupid thing for them to do.

    But since no one even believes there is a risk of rabies, it's not relevant. It does seem to me that doctors administering these shots for something so rare in people who most likely have no issue is just breeding hysteria.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    The vaccine is supposed to be administered in the deltoid but the nurse did it way down right above my elbow in a completely different muscle. I explained this to the hospital staff the next few times I went in and to my doctor and they all said it should have been given in my upper arm but I should still be fine. I agree it was very stupid and unprofessional of that nurse.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    TBH with you did you really need the vaccine??? Think you should be looking to address you HA condition good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    The last 2 days I have had little tingly spots all over my left leg that started in my foot and have randomly been happening in a few spots up my calves and thigh. Now I have some of those same sensations in some of my fingers in my right hand.. Im scared because rabies is supposed to cause pins and needles in your feet that slowly spread upward..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    Yeah, you guys are probably right.. I'm just so messed up over this. I don't want to go through what I went through last year.. I'll try to make sure this post doesn't become like that one from back then..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    Quote Originally Posted by LavenderRain View Post
    Yeah, you guys are probably right.. I'm just so messed up over this. I don't want to go through what I went through last year.. I'll try to make sure this post doesn't become like that one from back then..
    I'm sure we are all very pleased to hear that, for your sake.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  9. #9

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    Back in 2013 I was bitten by a racoon and had to get the post exposure rabies vaccinations. When I went they game me one shot in the arm, and then a serious of immunoglobulin shots in my rear per my weight (that is how they are given). Then back on day 3, day 7, day 14, and day 28. I was bitten in the hand. Giving you the shot in the wrong muscle sounds a bit odd from my personal experience. I got the shots in the arm, then the immunoglobulin in the rear and then the follow up shots in my arm. I wouldn't worry about it at all honestly. I know how scary it can be, but like I said wrong muscle sounds a bit odd.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: 2 out of 4 rabies vaccines given incorrectly

    I know I should be more careful with this anxiety that I have but.. I love animals, so when I found a small white mouse in a shoebox with holes poked in it in a ditch by my house yesterday I had to take it in. It was white with red eyes (like a lab mouse) and we don't have wild white mice where I live and it had a little container and some mouse food in there with it exactly like the stuff from my local pet store so I'm almost positive it came from there. Like someone got a mouse and their parents said they couldn't keep it or something so they abandoned it in a shoebox with some food. I bought a little home for it and I've been taking care of it and its just kinda my pet now, and when I was handling it earlier I don't know if it bit me or scratched me without me noticing but I have a weird puffy red spot on my left hand. I wouldn't be too concerned because mice aren't known to carry rabies very often or transfer it to humans ever, but one of my cats seems seriously freaked out by the mouse and is gagging at it likes she's about to vomit every time she sees it.. Its very strange and I can't find any similar things online so.. I'm a little weirded out because I've heard that animals are sometimes able to sense when another creature has rabies.. Do I need to get a rabies booster?

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