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Thread: From hope to despair

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    From hope to despair

    Does anyone else feel like you sometimes manage to feel much more positive about your anxiety and feel determined that this IS just anxiety and you are determined to beat it? I can sometimes get myself in this positive frame of mind for a short time, but I can't seem to stay there. Something happens like a physical sensation, a change in mood, a dip in energy and I feel like I'm full of despair and I feel like giving up and just crying because I don't accept that there is nothing physically wrong with me. I feel like I will be this way forever and I'll never be normal again. How do you increase the feelings of positivity and how do you deal with the emotional crashes. Honestly some days I'm so up and down I feel like I must be bipolar or something.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: From hope to despair

    I'm afraid I can't offer any advice, but I do know just how you feel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: From hope to despair

    Same here !!! It is very strange that when I am feeling "physically" good, that is no anxiety symptoms, then yes, I feel as if I have beaten it and on the road to recovery, and the next minute I feel a bit giddy or whatever, I am back to feeling anxious with all the symptoms that go with it !!! I hope someone can come up with some helpful suggestions how to solve this, as I find it really is holding my recovery back. You are not on your own with this feeling. xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: From hope to despair

    Quote Originally Posted by cattia View Post
    Does anyone else feel like you sometimes manage to feel much more positive about your anxiety and feel determined that this IS just anxiety and you are determined to beat it? I can sometimes get myself in this positive frame of mind for a short time, but I can't seem to stay there. Something happens like a physical sensation, a change in mood, a dip in energy and I feel like I'm full of despair and I feel like giving up and just crying because I don't accept that there is nothing physically wrong with me. I feel like I will be this way forever and I'll never be normal again. How do you increase the feelings of positivity and how do you deal with the emotional crashes. Honestly some days I'm so up and down I feel like I must be bipolar or something.
    Yes, I feel the same way. It is really so very hard. I wish there were a "cure" for anxiety...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: From hope to despair

    This is exactly how I feel. I'm currently fixated on esophageal and stomach cancer (I've had two endoscopes in the past 6 months) and there are moments where I think rationally but then I have symptoms that align with my fear and it completely spirals me. I cry often because I feel so disheartened. Previous to January, I had never had any bout of health anxiety before and my situation has been extreme (fearing 14 different cancers over 10 months). I haven't had a day of relief in the past 10 months. I get practically no reassurance from tests and doubt all doctors.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: From hope to despair

    I feel the same way, my anxiety started with a bump on my throat so of cores it just hade to be some sorta cancer right? Well it wasn't! Went to a ent and wouldn't even oder any test for it and said I was fine. So weeks go by and my throat gets really tight and hard to get anything down so its throat cancer right? Run to the ent again and hade a scope done, was all In my head. A few weeks pass and with in that time it was lung cancer bone cancer and now brain cancer. Its hard for us to think there's nothing wrong with us and its all just in our heads its possible and most likey ture trust me.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: From hope to despair

    I believe forcing yourself to be active helps me. Even though you may feel terrible and not want to do anything, try to get some physical activity in every day. A quick walk outside, yoga, etc. It really helps with feelings of positive well-being. Also, trying to keep busy. Going out to lunch with a friend, doing a little organizing project around the house, again, even though you may dread the thought of doing anything. When you stay "busy" you inadvertently "forget" about your anxiety/symptoms for a bit, and the more you do this, the better you feel and the more positive your outlook becomes.

    Last year, when I was at a very low point, my boyfriend and I worked on a huge project remodeling the kitchen of a house he bought. I did not feel like doing it and was not excited at all. But I forced myself to work on it in all my spare time. Over the course of a couple of months, this really helped me. It wasn't the only thing that helped, but it was a big part of it.

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