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Thread: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

  1. #1

    Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    I posted back in August about an encounter with a Bat that I thought bit me on the back while I ran underneath it.

    Right yesterday night I was walking my Nan to work (she's disabled and has a walking stick) and I felt something sharp go directly into my leg, then saw a Bat fly by past my leg, when I got in I took a look and saw a mark which was bleeding so I'm definitely certain I have been bitten.

    I cleaned it anyway and phoned 111 (UK people will know what that is) and they told me to get to hospital within 4 hours which I did.

    When I got there they said the suppliers who deal with the vaccine ain't there till tomorrow so I went home couldn't sleep because I have all this on my mind again.

    Today I went back and was seen almost instantly (although I saw someone different) they said to me that since I had the full course of Rabies Vaccine last time (Immunoglobulin, 5 Doses of Rabies Vaccine) they said it'll cover you for 6 Months even if you're bitten again.

    Is this true guys? Because I've read and been told almost everywhere that if you've been exposed again you need 2 more Rabies Vaccines.

    The person who ordered them for me last time was the guy who I saw last night, he wasn't there today.

    I'm worried that the guy today did something different than the guy last night was going to do if the people he needed to contact where there, like look at the wrong website or talk to the wrong people.

    All this is starting again, I know it's rare but rare doesn't mean impossible.

  2. #2

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    Are you suggesting that the guy you saw today is less qualified than the one you saw the last time? Are you suggesting he's blasé about his career and liberty and doesn't much care if you die of rabies or not?

    I don't get it. You're asking a bunch of completely unqualified anxiety sufferers about something on which you don't trust medical staff. Can you see how irrational that is?
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  3. #3

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    I don't know what to honestly think anymore tbh, like I've suffered with HA for 2 years now and every time I see someone about something I think I have and it gets proved I don't have it (which has happened a lot) it feels like they don't believe me anymore and just say to themselves "it's just another HA Episode" which is scary because I don't know if something is wrong with me or not, I just think the worst of things which is what happens with HA.

    Thing I'm worried about is what if I do have it and they just assumed it was my HA but it isn't, or what if that happens down the line sometime? It's like the boy who cried wolf although I can't help but think the way I do.

    That's why it feels like I'm losing trust in some of the people I see because they think it's just another HA Episode, but what if it isn't?

    I honestly have no idea what to do, I've been fine since I started my vaccine on 22nd August and finished it on 21st September but since last night it's all come back again.

  4. #4

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    Your feelings are dictating how you react to situations and how you interpret them. There's nothing to be ashamed of in that. We pretty much all do it.

    However, in terms of the reality of the situation, your feelings are completely irrelevant. By that, I mean the way you feel has no bearing on the reality. You feel as if you can't trust people or as if you're being dismissed as just another hypochondriac. However, these feelings are symptoms of your anxiety disorder and are not accurate sources of information on how to react.

    Medical professionals deal with your presenting symptoms. Yes, that means your anxiety will factor into their thinking. But it doesn't mean that they will dismiss you if you present with symptoms of something other than anxiety. (Okay, some may point out times it's happened to them. Doctors are human and they make mistakes, just like we do. The point is, it's rare and very unlikely to happen to you). They treat you for what you have. They don't see serious illness and then dismiss it as anxiety because they're having a bad day. They don't get fooled by anxiety. It's true that anxiety can present with so many diverse physical symptoms, but telling it apart from actual serious illnesses is bread-and-butter for a medical professional.

    The reason nothing is being done about your rabies "scare" is because there is nothing to suggest treatment for a potential rabies infection is required. That's all there is to it. Feelings and worries are irrelevant, because there is nothing there.

    There is, however, an absolute smörgåsbord of anxiety symptoms, and that is what needs to be treated. It's currently the only disorder you are sympotmatic of, and is therefore the only issue any medical professional can focus on.
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  5. #5

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    I'm just worried about the mark on my leg because as I said it was bleeding when I got in and I felt a sharp pain while I was out.

    I didn't mean the guy I saw today looked at the wrong website, I guess he looked at a different one (Public Health England was the one) But the guy I saw in August which was the same one I saw last night looked at emc which are the suppliers.

    Since Rabies is so rare in this country I'm worried that some information may be inaccurate since it rarely even happens.

    I've had people say to me rabies doesn't exist in this country and some that say it does although rare, which is worrying me even more because I know it exists here but some people believe it doesn't which may prevent me or anyone else from being treated on the rare occasion.

    Like if I lived in another country where it's common or in the US (although only like 3 get it a year even though that's still more than us) they'd probably be able to give me better information.

    I'm just worried and don't know for sure that it does protect you for 6 Months or do you need another 2 straight after a possible exposure? I don't know if our information is the same as other countries information on rabies.

    If it's the same that'll put my mind at ease, because since it rarely happens here the information might not be 100% which isn't really the doctors fault it's just that it's so rare here that it's almost non existent.

  6. #6

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    The facts about rabies don't change depending on where you are. The same is true about the disease in the UK or the USA.

    It is basically eradicated in the UK, with the exception of a few bats. The last rabies infection that originated in the UK was in 1922. Since then, all infections in the UK have been of people bitten abroad by dogs.

    It's precisely because the disease is so well understood that we've been able to almost entirely eradicate it here. The US is absolutely enormous and has vast areas of wilderness which makes it harder to get rid of it there, but it's still incredibly rare.

    You're worrying about an impossibility and creating scenarios in your mind specifically to maintain your worry.
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  7. #7

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    I know it's extremely rare but what about the people that do get bit and get it?

    I know it's rare like being struck by lightning but it happens if you're just that unlucky.

    I just want to know I'm 100% alright because I can't keep on like this, it's ruining my life.

    Maybe I am being stupid and I'm worrying over nothing which is the most likely thing but the 1-2% that I might not I'm worried about.

    I have some linked stories here from news articles that shows it does happen although rare but they freak me out and make me think "well what if I'm one of them"

  8. #8

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    The Scottish Sun article is a bat handler. There are hundreds of thousands of bat handlers worldwide who never get rabies. He was extremely unlucky. It wasn't some random bat. He was constantly around them, vastly increasingly his chances.

    As with so many anxiety sufferers, you want 100% certainty, but that's very rare in the world. I can't even promise you won't get sporadic fatal insomnia, but that's only ever happened to about nine people in recorded history. Nobody has died of rabies in the UK from an infection acquired in this country since 1902! I can't promise you you won't get rabies, but I'd puta hell of a lot of money on it.

    However, you've had medical attention and been told you're fine. That's as close to 100% certainty as you're ever going to get. There is nobody else to go to after the doctors. Nobody here knows better than they do.

    At this point, you're torturing yourself with irrational thought. I've been there, too. I pretty much ruined my life for a period. But none of this worry changes anything. You don't have rabies. End of story.
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    Having read your first thread, you didn't indicate you had the vaccine treatment. You said you went to the doctor/hospital several times, saw several medical professionals that dismissed your fear. Did something happen that actually warranted the treatment? Do you know that one bag of IVG (Immunoglobulin) is around 30K? My wife had three bags of that as part of her treatment for encephalitis and they spent that on a fantasy and reassurance?

    I'm sorry, I just cannot believe you were legitimately bitten by a bat nor do I believe that you've had so many "bat encounters". Heck, I live in the country, mountains, caves etc. I've seen bats flying around occasionally but I've never heard of anyone that has had so many close call bat encounters in the span of a few months. You've been blown off for months about this fear but still managed to get the vaccine so you're protected in that one in a few million chance. But now it's just starting all over again and you need help to stop it. IMO, real life professional help is warranted.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  10. #10

    Re: Rabies Fear Again, Please Help :(

    What worries me is the other one who was bitten randomly while he was in his car, like when does something like that ever happen?

    Another thing I've lived where I live all my life and I haven't had any fears of bats before the first time on my first post where one flew towards me and I ducked underneath it.

    Before that I was fine, now I get scared to go outside when it gets dark because I'm afraid a bat will swoop down and get me.

    Even the Doctors said "you can't keep on living like this, you're 21 you shouldn't be worrying your life away like this"
    but at the end of the day I can't help it, I've tried seeing someone about my Anxiety last time I had this fear but it just got worse until I had the vaccine, although I don't think I can have that now.

    The best thing I could possibly hope for is a blood test to check if I still have antibodies from the vaccine.

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