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Thread: Strange symptoms, are all these from gastritis and anxiety?

  1. #1

    Strange symptoms, are all these from gastritis and anxiety?

    This is my story and was just wondering if anyone else has these symptoms. I'm 40 years old and a postie. Always had good health, no issues until Jan 2017. I was out on my round and suddenly felt very strange. Like I'd got an overwhelming sense of doom. I felt weak and shaky and my vision went weird and blurry. After a few weeks I decided to go to my GP and they discovered I had a resting heart rate of 140 bpm. I was sent to the ER and had bloods done and an ecg. All fine.. Told to go home and rest. Since this, I've has more blood tests for celiac disease, diabetes and full blood count. I've had a 24hr ecg monitor on. They found that I had ectopic beats and told me it was nothing to worry about. I've had a camera in my stomach, found mild gastritis and an abdominal ultrasound, all clear. My symptoms are palpitations, dizziness, strange vision like my eyes are over focusing, eyes floaters, gurgling stomach, pain in ribcage, feels like it's full, like pressure. My left ribcage hurts most days, feel like I'm spaced out a lot. What I call jelly legs where my legs feel weak but they aren't. The scariest recent symptom is I'll be fine, doing my job and from out of nowhere I'll get this weakness come over me, then I start to sweat then my chest, stomach and legs get this strange hot sensation. It's like you have a hot tap in your body and it gets turned on and floods your body with heat. I then get weak, shaky and after about five minutes it stops and I'm left feeling drained by it for the rest of the day. I'm assuming this is adrenaline. Why is it reacting like this when I don't feel anxious? It's a really horrible feeling. My Dr and I've seen five different ones about this, all say it's anxiety and that my tests are all good so it can't be anything serious. This has now been going on for nine months. I'm much better then I was and have had counseling for my anxiety, I refused the anxiety meds as I've got a family and kids and didn't want to be like a walking zombie from them. I'm on lansoprazole for my gastritis, but always feel fatigued and ill since this happened. I've accepted this could be anxiety, but it isn't easy to deal with. I have started body checking , my nails have changed since this too. Slightly indented and ridged. Dr said he wasn't worried about that and that I'm creating these symptoms because I've worried so much over the tachycardia that I've developed health anxiety and my body has become hypersensitive. Can anyone relate to any of this.. Has anyone had the hot flashes in their body? Thanks for reading.

  2. #2

    Re: Strange symptoms, are all these from gastritis and anxiety?

    I can totally relate I experienced the same symptoms back in summer and ended up in the hospital. Despite a full blood test, they also did a bunch of tests like endoscopy, colonoscopy and ultrasound and all came out fine except for a mild gastritis and a 2 millimeter polyp in my stomach about which all doctors didn't give a damn and neither did the biopsy result. In fact, they all said that the stomach polyp is very small and doesn't need any treatment or removal. Anyways, after all this the doctor came to me and told me that I need to see a psychiatrist!! So the psych prescribed me Xanax and Citalopram, however I avoided taking the latter due to the reasons you mentioned. I feel better with Xanax (1 mg/day) but the stomach issues come and go from time to time! things like acid reflux, bloating and nausea which are apparently caused by the anxiety! It's super difficult to deal with it. I start scanning my body everyday that I wake up, feel nauseated after each meal and there are also times that I eat like a pig with no problems!

    Right now that I'm writing this, I'm having a random mild abdominal pain under my right rib cage which is a symptom of a gallbladder issue according to Dr. Google! Should I believe google or the ultrasound and all the tests that doctors ran on my body 3 months ago?! I think the answer is clear, although our anxious brain wants to catastrophize stuff and make a big deal out of every single symptom that we experience (create?)!

    I'm tired of this as well and wrote this to tell you that you are not alone!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Strange symptoms, are all these from gastritis and anxiety?

    OMG this is me. I am currently having all the symptoms besides the 140 HR. I keep getting nauseous and waves of sweating and dizziness hit me all the time. I can't figure out what is happening to me either but I've been this way for a week or so. Can you please update us on how you feel/what happened?
    P.S. You’re not going to die. Here’s the white-hot truth: if you go bankrupt, you’ll still be okay. If you lose the gig, the lover, the house, you’ll still be okay. If you sing off-key, get beat by the competition, have your heart shattered, get fired…it’s not going to kill you. Ask anyone who’s been through it.” ~Danielle LaPorte

    CardioPhobin' since 2011.

  4. #4

    Re: Strange symptoms, are all these from gastritis and anxiety?

    Hi, it's a year today that I developed the tachycardia which started all this off. I still get the political physical symptoms, not as much as I used too, my body ache all the time and I feel fatigued, my Dr still thinks it's health anxiety that is the cause. I battle with the voices telling me I'm ill or this chest pain is cancer etc.... I've resorted to naming my anxiety. A really silky name and if it starts I say not now thanks and then the name. It really works... Trust me. I'm also taking vit D in the winter months and vit B which really help. I think the less I think about my symptoms, the less they happen.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Strange symptoms, are all these from gastritis and anxiety?

    Hi! I’m experiencing many of the symptoms you were experiencing. I’m just wondering how you’re doing now? Did your gastritis resolve? I’ve had what I’m assuming is gastritis on and off since I had a stomach bug about 4 months ago. Thank you!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Strange symptoms, are all these from gastritis and anxiety?

    Hi Lily, those people haven’t posted in a few years. It’s quite common to have symptoms for a few weeks after a stomach bug,

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