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Thread: When you don't know why you're anxious...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Smile When you don't know why you're anxious...


    my anxiety has heightened recently. I hadn't realised because it's not reflected in my thinking. But it suddenly struck me one day that I have a lot of my former physical symptoms (plus spiky BP which they are going to monitor, but I'm trying not to worry about that! lol)

    My question is, can CBT help when there are no [conscious] anxious thoughts to take control of? I've got pretty good at self-talk and dealing with panic (doesn't happen very often any more) but this I guess is more 'generalised' anxiety. However, it's not fixed on anything. No catastrophic thoughts or fears that I'm aware of (I assume they are lurking somewhere!). I suspect it is a response to all the sad things around but on the whole I'm pretty chirpy.

    I did talk to the Practice Nurse and mentioned about having had a little time on Prozac in the past. I'd be prepared to go on it again if I needed. If my BP proved bad enough to be on meds, would it be better to treat that directly or to medicate the underlying anxiety which I suspect is probably the cause?

    Any time I've had counselling in the past, there have been issues I am aware of. This is a little different. I'd be grateful for any insight people have.

    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: When you don't know why you're anxious...

    My own personal belief is that anxiety turns into a physical ailment as much as a mental one. Your mind and body are so inextricably linked, that physical symptoms can persist long after you have a level of control over your mental reactions.

    I think it takes a long, long time to get to the stage where your body unlearns these reactions. Possilby years.

    In the meantime, I find it's best (for me at least) to make sure I take time every day to meditate, ground myself, have some moments of calm. Some 'down time'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: When you don't know why you're anxious...

    Ah that's interesting. But they've been worse recently, I think - OR possibly I'm only just able to perceive them...

    I'm a Christian, so regular prayer and quiet is part of my routine, I can only imagine what I'd be like if it wasn't! lol

    Thanks for the thoughts, Joe, that's really helpful.
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  4. #4

    Re: When you don't know why you're anxious...

    I totally get this!
    I have been seeing a psychologist for a few weeks now and last week, she said it was hard for her to help because I don't know what I'm anxious about. I get the impression she thinks I am holding back from her, but I genuinely don't know. I feel like I am guessing.

    There are things like Christmas and social gatherings approaching which will make me anxious, but today, I am just sat at work feeling anxious for no apparent reason...or not one that I can put my finger on.

    I believe it to be habit, or an automatic brain reaction, that my body thinks it should be anxious about something, but habits are hard to break.

    I'd also be interested to see what other people say.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: When you don't know why you're anxious...

    Ooh thank you Larry. Having had counselling before I know how helpful it can be, but I was wondering how on earth you get anywhere with it if you don't know what you are feeling anxious about! I feel the tight knot but... it's not ABOUT anything. Hence I googled GAD and discovered there's usually a focus. But I can't find one!

    Let's hope we get some helpful comments!
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: When you don't know why you're anxious...

    I disagree that anxiety needs a focal point. I disagree a lot.

    Once ingrained, it becomes it's own trigger.

    General business, holidays, families, work, old triggers....all add up to cause a general feeling of anxiety.

    I used to freak out going to the supermarket for example. Now I don't have a problem going body still reacts the same way every time I go. I don't feel anxiety, but I experience mild symptoms every time I go there. It becomes a subconscious thing that only time will heal.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: When you don't know why you're anxious...

    I did have PTSD from when I was bullied at work. I very occasionally panic when post arrives (I had a horrible letter through the post from work a few years ago). But mostly I'm pretty good now.
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  8. #8

    Re: When you don't know why you're anxious...


    Oh how I can completely understand what your going through. I have felt exactly the same for nearly 2 years. I have been on anti depressants Mirtazapine 15mg, Amtryptilene 20mg and at one time Gabapeten and they did zilch. I did try to come off Mirtazapine but it made me feel so ill even the doctor said ok stay on 15mg, but I am going to try to come off after Christmas, my way of thinking is if it's not doing any good what's the point in taking it and I have put weight on.

    I wish I had the answer I dread mornings I know how I am going to feel on waking, it does fade as the day goes on but it does make me feel physically ill for a long time. I go to the gym and that does help but I'm 65 with arthritis so I can't manage everyday. I also meditate at least once a day it does help to calm my nerves but no cure unfortunately. If somebody came up with one happy pill with no side affects they would be worth millions!

    CBD helps some people but not me! I must need an elephant dose. Sorry for long whinge I don't come on here often but I do read posts and hope everybody on this forum a good Christmas without too much anxiety or any other problems.

    Thank you for reading.
    Kath138 x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: When you don't know why you're anxious...

    My anxiety has no rhyme or reason, things i dread and think will set me off can turn out fine, other things i dont expect to be anxious about and boom i get anxiety. Theres no trigger, except my mind, once i start thinking about it theres no stopping it. I need to control my thoughts. I have propranolol but i cant bring myself to take it.

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