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Thread: Anxiety before adopting a dog

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Anxiety before adopting a dog


    I gave posted a reply to another thread but thought I would create one also.

    After years and years of wanting a dog we moved to a house a few months ago and the cat was unwell and put to sleep in September. We are now in a position to adopt a dog and visited the retired greyhound trust last week... we are now going to pick her up next weekend.

    I should be happy and my boyfriend can't understand why I'm now freaking out!*

    I'm feeling generally overwhelmed about it and don't know why... I'm obsessing and over thinking everything. It's all I can think about and I can't sleep at night.

    A specific worry is that I'll be allergic to her as I am to some dogs. I was allergic to the cat but managed this with limited contact, washing my hands after I stroked her etc. On meeting this specific greyhound I had no reaction and was so happy but a couple from the centre came round with their greyhound last night for the home check and my nose felt very itchy so I'm panicking again that once she's in the home in an enclosed space I will react and her fur will build up etc.I suggested to my boyfriend we stop her going upstairs for this reason when we get her but he got annoyed at me and said I'm worrying for no reason and it will be fine.

    Does anyone have any experience of this? Can anyone help me?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Anxiety before adopting a dog

    HI well specifically you can get alergey treatments which are effective Why not go back and visit this dog again and ask to take it for a walk and some bonding time I am sure you will be ok and good luck let us know how you get on! ATB

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Anxiety before adopting a dog

    Thank you so much for replying! Thanks for the encouragement... I think it's just such responsibility and change its triggering my anxiety. I really want this dog and know I will do all I can to make it work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Anxiety before adopting a dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Bep2 View Post
    Thank you so much for replying! Thanks for the encouragement... I think it's just such responsibility and change its triggering my anxiety. I really want this dog and know I will do all I can to make it work.
    It's a pleasure so np there Yes it's a huge responsibility and commitment, but having dog in your life will be rewarding too I know from experience I have had my dog for 10 years now and she is my rock If you have any further dog related things just ask ATB

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Anxiety before adopting a dog

    I have three German Shepherd dogs and a husband that is seriously allergic to them lol. On the advice of our doctor, he takes one Zyrtec each day and uses Flo-Nase, a nasal spray - once a day. They shed and have dander - a lot of both lol. This is what most people are allergic to in dogs, the dander. We vacuum once a week and as long as he takes his allergy meds, all is fine! No symptoms at all. So it can for sure be done!

    the great thing about greyhounds is their fur is very short, and they don’t really have an undercoat. So even if you were allergic, it may not be as bad with a greyhound. If you had cats and were fine, there is very little chance you’ll be allergic to a greyhound.

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