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Thread: Want to know who you are talking to?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Want to know who you are talking to?

    This category was suggested by an existing member as an area where we could introduce ourselves and give sex, age, problem etc.

    Please add an entry if you would like others to know a bit about you.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    I am 27, female.

    In fairness- I only have mild anxiety and phobias. But I feel it's enough of a burden to search for help!

    In social settings I often get anxious that I will start to stutter/ appear uneasy / say stupid things. This results in me dreading interaction with others. However- I am ok 70% of the time. It rears it's ugly head when I least expect it.[}]

    Also- I am pretty scared of the dark. I have always been interested in paranormal things- I have a bookshelf full of reports/ information regarding the paranormal. However- this makes me more aware of what might be happening in my room at night.:(

    I am paranoid that shadows/ things move in my room. However- during daylight hours- I am 100% fine. I have never been on medication- ever. Today I bought some herbal ' sleep aid' tablets. I will try these tomorrow.

    Also- I find myself increasingly turning to ' a few glasses of wine' each night to relax myself enough to cope with bed time! How absurd!
    Anyway- I look forward to hearing everyone's stories, Jo [:I]

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by frost.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi all - My name is Jo also (Joanna actually). Just to sort out any confusion I have posted messages on the panic and medication forum (1st May 2003).

    * I am 23 years old and female.

    * I have had panic attacks for 9 months.

    * I am currently taking Citroplam (10mg), although I am gradually coming off these tablets.

    * My panic attacks started due to university. I was in the process of finishing my degree (2002) became VERY stressed and anxious about my exams and, to cut a long story very short, had to defer my course. I am now trying to finish my course ....... what a struggle!!

    * I have very supportive parents, a wonderful boyfriend of 3 years who has been my absolute rock, and a great group friends! Can't forget my 18 year old ***** cat also!

    Take care all

    Jo (number two)


    PS. Hi Jo number one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello everyone,

    My name is William and i'm 31. I've suffered from panic for almost 3 years now.
    I have been prescribed 2 forms of anti-depressants in the past Seroxat & Citalopram for 6 months and 1 year, respectively.

    I am currently on no form of medication - since 27 December 2002 -and had coped ok for the first 8/10 weeks of the new year. Slowly i could feel the symptoms returning until the week before Easter when i had one of my worst attacks since they began.
    That's when i started to search the net for more information which led me here, i am awaiting an appointment to visit my GP when i will discuss medication again - i was thinking of group or one to one therapy - anyone got any views on this?? Feedback would be appreciated.

    I am glad to say things have returned to almost normal in the past fortnight but it's always lurking somewhere under the surface if you know what i mean.

    I'll keep you posted

    Hope you all win your fight!!!


    PS Hi both Jo's!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Jo and William!

    Hope you are both well- to William's Question- I think group therapy would be good, but I would never be able to attend because I'd be so anxious! In my case- an informal meeting at a pub/ social place would be better.

    When I read about your medications- I wonder if I should find out more. I want to find an alternative therapy- but every night is a struggle to sleep at the moment. So maybe I will see my gp. Anyway- will keep u all posted-
    Bye for now, Jo xx (Jo 1) !!

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by frost.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello All,
    I'm 19 and have suffered from massive panic attacks. Luckily I'm only having mild anxiety problems at the moment but I know that the big ones can pop up again any day as they have in the past when everything was back to normal. When I was having very bad attacks no medication was offered to me from my GP, she told me that I'm too young and should be able to deal with it easier. This obviously really upset me at the time because I could not understand why no one was helping me. I've experienced every symptom listed on the symptoms page on this site! Mostly stress related. They ruined everything and I ended up losing my job. I still suffer from anxiety but it's on and off at the moment.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi everyone
    Im 29, female from surrey.
    Ive been having panic attacks for nearly a year.(since june 2002).They started off massive all the time now I just panic mildly all the time. - which is a start in the right direction.
    I think what started me off was the fact that my husband gave up his job a week before I had my 1st one and my impending redundancy.I finally got made redundant in January this year and havent been able to work since.
    I started taking Lustral 2 weeks after the 1st PA and at xmas this year cut the dose to half (under dr's supervision). Ive slowly cut myself off them about a month ago and now I feel worse.
    Im too scared to go anywhere without my husband 'holding my hand'. having said that I went to the bank yesterday on my own and waited in a queue for 5 mins (which was a very big thing). I was trying my breathing as the panic was getting worse and I didnt have my trusty bottle of water with me, so you should have seen the womans face behind the counter when I went up to her breathing heavily - it was a picture!!
    Anyway, its really good to read the stuff on here. makes me feel a bit more 'normal' and the fact that you guys seem to all go to work and socialise makes me feel that I am going to get there too.
    I could bore for Britain on this subject so I will go now

    cheers for a brill website


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi peops

    I'm Matt from Hampshire my whole panic and anxiety thing started when I was at university! I was just sitting in a lecture one day concentrating and suddenly an overwhelming feeling came over me cant really explain it! I managed to get myself outside and collapsed in a heap on the ground.

    Well that passsed and I carried on as useual. Then one day I started to worry what if it happened again? I built it up into a big thing and stopped attending lectures. That was a few years ago now and in the end I got a 2:1 in my degree even though I went to next to no lectures

    Once I left university I started to feel better and now I wouldnt say I panic about things just a bit more anxious about stuff than I would like to be. I get very worried about haveing to travel long distances and worried about staying somewhere unfamiliar at night. I'm taking some little steps forward though!

    Well thats quite eneough waffle from me! Heheh



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Matt,
    That's exactly how mine started. I was a confident, outgoing person- then one day in the lecture theatre at Birmingham Uni- I suddenly felt really hot, then over whelmingly self conscious. I felt dizzy with panic....then got worse when I realised people might ' notice'. I left the lecture and from that day on I have had panic/ anxiety attacks. I am fairly in control of that now- it's my sleep pattern that worries me most. My anxiety at night. Those H+B tablets seem to make me have weird dreams( Rachelle)- do you find that???

    Needless to say- I dropped out of college and went home.I have thought about going back to college- but I don't want the panicking in lectures to crop up again. :(
    well done getting your degree, Matt!

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by frost.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello Joanne,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question - the Pub definately sounds like a good idea!
    The appointment with my GP is on 8/5/03 @ 8.30am so i'll let you know how it goes.
    I notice from the time of your postings you have trouble sleeping, i hope it gets better - the only thing i can suggest is concentrating on tensing and relaxing your muscles - i've tried that and it seemed to work, i fell asleep so it must have, lol.
    I like your poem - did you compose it yourself??

    Take care,


    quote:Originally posted by Joanne

    Hi Jo and William!

    Hope you are both well- to William's Question- I think group therapy would be good, but I would never be able to attend because I'd be so anxious! In my case- an informal meeting at a pub/ social place would be better.

    When I read about your medications- I wonder if I should find out more. I want to find an alternative therapy- but every night is a struggle to sleep at the moment. So maybe I will see my gp. Anyway- will keep u all posted-
    Bye for now, Jo xx (Jo 1) !!

    All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by frost.

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