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Thread: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

  1. #511

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Quote Originally Posted by Lux71 View Post
    I feel my depression has made me look at what really matters to me in my life, I think that's because IV had this terrible sense of time passing and I panic and feel sad in case I'm not spending enough time with my kids, or my family and the people that matter. It's like a meloncholy and I get it every morning when I wake. I hate going to work because it's time away from my kids and I don't think it's normal to feel like this, obviously it's the depression. I don't think this is a strength, but it's made me realise whats important to me in the big scheme of things...x
    It's strange that I find many strengths with my depression (or whatever it is) that I don't wanna lose, I feel like I can be engaged with people (who are already close to me) much more while I am depressed since I can listen much more and be more open about my feelings or whatever goes in my mind, while being normal can make me live in a bubble focusing into details or not looking at the big picture, it is like if being normal makes me impulsive/excited which can make me full of delusions. This is just strange and I am not sure if this will go with time or not

    ---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:29 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Lux71 View Post
    Hi just checking in, Im 3 days short of week 4. Had an ok couple of days where my anxiety was fairly low. Still feeling very flat and not interested in anything, finding it hard to even smile sometimes. I find it an effort to want leave the house also, it's like the normal everyday things of showering, makeup and hair is just too much. Sleeping is absolutely terrible hence why im on here at 6am. IV been taking zopiclone to help but it was only a short 7 day prescription and my doctor was really hesitant at giving me these. IV got 1 left, so worrying how I'm meant to get to sleep enough so I can get up for work the morning after.
    Yesterday I was ok up until 1.30pm then anxiety started again. It lasted the rest of the day into the night and was sat on the edge of my bed taking deep breaths during the night.
    Does anyone else find their anxiety springs up on them out of nowhere during the day. Half the day I spend ok, the next half can feel crap. My mood changes from 1 minute to the next also, Ill be feeling really negative and in total despair then I have a sudden shift to feeling lighter and more optimistic. These don't last long though and I'm back to feeling low again literally minutes after.
    I suffer with terrible sinus problems at the moment so this is also having a huge impact on how I feel.
    Everyday I take my flux I think 'another day down' I'm waiting on the day I feel brighter and happy, more my old self.
    Just keep going and you will eventually feel better. I also had troubles falling asleep and using Melatonin really helped with that (maybe you should give it a try), I take 4 mg 1-2 hours before bedtime and it made my sleep much better. Also, try to stick with a strict schedule with sleeping & waking up times and your body will eventually adapt, exercising helps as well. Also, I sometimes take Modafinil (it is a prescription medicine used for sleep apnea or shift work sleep disorder), it is a wakefullness-promoting medicine and it really helps me to get rid of my brain fog and keep me focused on my work for extended periods of time, it affects people differently so I don't know how you will react but maybe you should consider it and ask your doctor about it.

    Keep going guys, we all will be happy at the end, I promise

  2. #512
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Thankyou for those words of encouragement exehed, it really helps me to persevere and carry on. I can totally relate to what you mean about being more engaged with loved ones. I feel like IV changed a lot towards my kids and loved ones. I feel I appreciate them on so much more deeper level and I only think being Ill or having some life changing event makes you realise that. Before I was just a busy single mum, working, cleaning, busy all the time, no real time for me or even quality time with my kids but I just didn't realise how deeply unhappy I was underneath it all. But it's only these last few weeks where depression has hit me that IV stopped to look at them and realised how much they have grown and changed right under my nose and IV been too busy to even see it. It's my kids that are pulling me through this and if it wasn't for them I don't know if I would be here. These last few weeks IV sat with them,, talked, laughed, cried even. Been really honest about my depression and they have really been helping me through it. They are my lifeline. I'll never take anything like that for granted. Life is just too short.
    I'm starting my 4th week starting today and IV actually managed to sleep ok for the past 3 nights. The only thing being I'm waking at 1.30 every night then finding it a little difficult to get back to sleep. Still sluggish in the day. But I think I have a sinus virus so that's not helping.
    One really wierd side effect IV had though these last 2 nights, which I don't think is mentioned on the list, around 5 In the evening I suddenly felt almost euphoric, really woozy and wierd. No anxiety whatsoever when I felt this, it kinda felt really pleasant, like I was a bit on a high!
    The first night it didn't really bother me but when it happened again I was a bit concerned. Is this a normal side effect....? It lasts for a couple hours coming and going...x

  3. #513
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Hi everyone, it’s my first time in this forum but I’m a long term NMP member. I’m on day 26 of fluoxetine and feeling possibly the worst I’ve ever felt. I can’t do anything without feeling faint, sick, shaky, and terrified. I know this is probably panic but all I can think is that I’m going to die. Should I keep going or is this not the right med for me? I feel like this will never end, I really need some support please.

  4. #514

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    I 'll recommend u see ur GP again and ask if u need to change on ur medication or stick. Well generally u feel worse before u start feeling better though I n in week 12 and I still feel down couple of days a week.

  5. #515
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Thank you. I have an appointment on Tuesday morning so I will discuss it with my GP. I’m hoping to hear it will get better soon, even if it takes a few more weeks to start working. I just felt really fed up earlier today but I managed to calm down and enjoy my evening a little bit. Trying my best to stay positive!

  6. #516
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Hi Everyone, just updating my progress. I'm now 5
    weeks and 2 days into flux. IV had a couple of ok days where IV felt more like my old self but most days are still hard for me at the moment. I'm sleeping on and off, tend to wake in the night and find it so difficult to get back to sleep. I do eventually but end up tired most mornings. Like today I was up at 7.15 and it's now 9.45 and I'm back in bed. So tired and unrefreshed.
    I don't know if that's the Prozac or the depression or my body just so tired out from feeling anxious most of the time. IV had to cut back on my work hours. I used to do a 12 hour shift every week, combined with 6 hour shifts but IV stopped all 12 hour shifts. I find at the moment my body and mind just cannot take it.
    I was hoping to feel a little better at this stage to be honest and feel worried Prozac may not be working very well for me. Or maybe I'm just being impatient. I know it's a slow burner and I'm determined to stick with it. I'm still on 20mg and have always taken it same time every day 5.30/6.00 pm. It's hard to be patient when I'm so anxious to feel results, and I'm taking each day as it comes time seems to be going so slowly.
    The last couple weeks I seem to be more exhausted than anything. I just want to lie down all the time. It's an effort to clean the house, or do washing or go to work. I know I'm falling behind with certain things around the house and I'm trying not to be too hard on myself at the moment. But at the same time I'm getting frustrated that I seem to be stuck in this rut of tiredness and depression. I look at other mums and feel envious of the fact they have so much energy and look so happy.
    I still don't see a light at the end of the tunnel and I find I don't want to go out anywhere unless Its a necessity such as work, shopping or picking the kids up. I hate being like this.
    Sorry for the moan..xx
    Last edited by Lux71; 08-03-18 at 10:12.

  7. #517

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Just hit week 12 on 40 mg and have been having another big dip with no obvious cause. If I don't find some sort of stability by 16 weeks I think I'll try another medication.

  8. #518
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Quote Originally Posted by OakTrees View Post
    Just hit week 12 on 40 mg and have been having another big dip with no obvious cause. If I don't find some sort of stability by 16 weeks I think I'll try another medication.
    I'm so sorry OakTrees that your feeling so rubbish at the moment. If you don't mind me asking did you start off on 20mg or 40? X

  9. #519

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Hey oakTrees, i started week 13 on 20mg and week 12 has been so tough. Feeling constantly concuois without any apparent reason though my physical symptoms were quite the same that I has before. But my mind went crazy and 5hought I am having a deadly disease. I think I should switch it too

  10. #520

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Quote Originally Posted by Lux71 View Post
    I'm so sorry OakTrees that your feeling so rubbish at the moment. If you don't mind me asking did you start off on 20mg or 40? X
    I started on 20 mg and took that for 14 weeks before increasing the dosage.

    Quote Originally Posted by usman081 View Post
    Hey oakTrees, i started week 13 on 20mg and week 12 has been so tough. Feeling constantly concuois without any apparent reason though my physical symptoms were quite the same that I has before. But my mind went crazy and 5hought I am having a deadly disease. I think I should switch it too
    I'm going to give it a bit longer as I've definitely seen some potential with this medication. Unfortunately I don't have all that many medication options left as I've taken so many in the past and have either had them stop working, not work at all or have severe side effects.

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