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Thread: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigboyuk View Post
    Hey Matt sorry to hear this It's wonder you coped waiting that long think it's time to change your Gp that is shocking to hear unwilling to help you WTF that's what he is there for?? I feel your pain. would going private be a option for you Matt? Heres a friendship hug from meKeep your chin up mate ATB
    Thanks Dave, I'm sick of my GP and my hospital/NHS trust it's crap but i've run out of steam to be honest. I looked at going private and it was £250 to see a consultant and thought why the f#ck should i, i was paying tax from 16 years old.

    Lovely hug!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by BikerMatt View Post
    Thanks Dave, I'm sick of my GP and my hospital/NHS trust it's crap but i've run out of steam to be honest. I looked at going private and it was £250 to see a consultant and thought why the f#ck should i, i was paying tax from 16 years old.

    Lovely hug!
    You are welcome Matt you have had run the run around for way too long no you mustn't run out of steam even though you think you have get some more coal in to that boiler (like on my steam train avatar ) Yes can totally understand what you are saying but if going private gets you the help you need so be it. I am having a operation soon if I go to my local hospital its a 36 week wait but have found a nhs hospital and within the grounds is a private hospital and that's nhs funded and that's where my op is taking place waiting time 12 weeks big difference So perhaps see if you have that private option where you don't pay anything I would look in to that Matt ATB

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    Thanks Dave, To be honest i've never suffered depression but the whole saga has made me severely depressed. I'm going to bed and hoping i don't wake up. The NHS has done this to me! It's a closed shop when you check the NHS choices website for waiting times for hospitals in my area, it's all the exact same waiting times, funny that eh all the same trust and exact same waiting times. When it comes to op's one of the private places in my town does NHS work so i will try and get in there.

    I'm getting past from pillar to post with no sense of urgency. I've got all these problems going on with my stomach on top of it all and thought i was getting to the end of it all, waited 3months to see the surgeon who says maybe not what the gastro says and was shocked at how little testing the gastro had done. The surgeon was fantastic and sorted the MRCP which i had last week but he wen't on about cancer as i've lost over 8 stone in just over a year. He want's to get to the bottom of my weight loss but thats not his job my GP and gastro should've sorted that last year. He will only do surgery for my hernia as it hurts but won't until he gets to the bottom of my weight loss and other symptoms. Again i'm not happy with that because my hernia bloody hurts.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    It's no good for your mental health getting arsed about , the truth is the NHS has no money and the money it does have it wastes on buying things at crap prices and getting in agencies to supply staff at twice the price , so people like you suffer , watched a programme tonight about cancelled opps where you live makes a huge difference when it shouldn't.
    Daft question and forgive me for asking but is there any chance at all anxiety could be behind the stomach problems and weight loss ? I lost a few stone in a few months at my worst, I just couldn't touch food , the cousin of mine who is ill also stopped eating through anxiety and depression is wasn't until he stopped drinking that he got seriously ill , hope that doesn't sound like I'm saying it's just in your head because contrary that what people would have you believe anxiety sufferers can actually get ill for real .
    I'll send you a man hug for now usually only issued at funerals and if it does turn out your gp is letting you down put him on the hit list with your sil.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    Why are you seeing a neurologist? Have you been checked over by an ENT specialist for ear problems? Who is investigating your weight loss and how are they doing this? Have you had a recent series of blood tests done including thyroid and blood glucose?
    It just seems as if they don't know but are passing you around the houses to look as if they are doing something...
    I hope your scan helps in your diagnosis but I'd seriously consider shelling out for a private consultation if you feel it would get you somewhere and if you found a consultant yourself who you felt could help you?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by BikerMatt View Post
    Thanks Dave, To be honest i've never suffered depression but the whole saga has made me severely depressed. I'm going to bed and hoping i don't wake up. The NHS has done this to me! It's a closed shop when you check the NHS choices website for waiting times for hospitals in my area, it's all the exact same waiting times, funny that eh all the same trust and exact same waiting times. When it comes to op's one of the private places in my town does NHS work so i will try and get in there.

    I'm getting past from pillar to post with no sense of urgency. I've got all these problems going on with my stomach on top of it all and thought i was getting to the end of it all, waited 3months to see the surgeon who says maybe not what the gastro says and was shocked at how little testing the gastro had done. The surgeon was fantastic and sorted the MRCP which i had last week but he wen't on about cancer as i've lost over 8 stone in just over a year. He want's to get to the bottom of my weight loss but thats not his job my GP and gastro should've sorted that last year. He will only do surgery for my hernia as it hurts but won't until he gets to the bottom of my weight loss and other symptoms. Again i'm not happy with that because my hernia bloody hurts.
    I have suffered depression for 25 years so know how bad it is for you and tbh it's not just a money issue with the NHS its a lot more besides like in your case theres no urgency about it even your surgeon was shocked how little was done by the gastro person but bet it wasn't followed up and looked in to that's a lot of weight lost over a year which could be caused by stress yeah like I said try and find a hospital (private) which is funded by the nhs often the same consultants will work in the NHS and also the private sector too, Find you choices and options and take it from there

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.


    I'm really sorry to hear you've hit another "pass the parcel" job. It must be incredibly frustrating. When you are so ill the last thing you need it to be chasing around the NHS to do their jobs. When I relapsed I had to chase my therapy around between different parties with referrals and it just feels like there is no ownership at times with the NHS. I was lucky to drop on a nurse, who I suspect thought I was being dumped onto them knowing it wasn't the right pathway, who chasing people around and got me a result.

    Sadly we do have to push doctors at times or they sit back. My parents have had that a few times and had to keep going to the GP until he/she rang elsewhere to push doctors at the other side as to what is going on. Hospitals just discharge us but the GP has to own the patient the rest of the time and I think they should be pushed to chase things up for us.

    Is there any help from the NHS here? I guess it would mean raising a complaint though and I can completely understand how that might be just too much right now.

    Given the situation with your weight you can understand the specialist wanting to rule out cancer but I live in hope this is only about ruling out because losing so much weight over a year and this going on so long makes me think you would be very ill. I know you feel like crap a lot but I just feel like you would be very seriously ill after 12 months if it's shedding the weight off you like that. It's just a guess based on the stories of others I've known who were very ill with cancer and without treatment they would have snowballed much more.

    I hope that's not upsetting to hear? It just feels like a possibility that points elsewhere.

    Don't be daft asking for help on here mate, you give to others and others will give back to you because of that.

    Keep having a laugh with us on the lighter threads if it helps even a little bit.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    Matt like Terry said come and join us on the humour thread's,it helps me.xx

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    Thanks Bigboy, Buster, Pulisa, Terry and Lola. I will reply a little later when little one has gone to bed.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
    It's no good for your mental health getting arsed about , the truth is the NHS has no money and the money it does have it wastes on buying things at crap prices and getting in agencies to supply staff at twice the price , so people like you suffer , watched a programme tonight about cancelled opps where you live makes a huge difference when it shouldn't.
    Daft question and forgive me for asking but is there any chance at all anxiety could be behind the stomach problems and weight loss ? I lost a few stone in a few months at my worst, I just couldn't touch food , the cousin of mine who is ill also stopped eating through anxiety and depression is wasn't until he stopped drinking that he got seriously ill , hope that doesn't sound like I'm saying it's just in your head because contrary that what people would have you believe anxiety sufferers can actually get ill for real .
    I'll send you a man hug for now usually only issued at funerals and if it does turn out your gp is letting you down put him on the hit list with your sil.
    Thanks for the man hug Buster!!

    It's not anxiety related. I've had a dull constant ache in my right rib cage liver area since Jan2017, that intensifies like someone has stuck a knife in me. The same ache and pain in my mid to upper back since Oct2016. Nausea since March2017. Light coloured poo and dark urine since June2017 and i've now had this severe off balance and dizziness since the end of July2017. And started to loose weight at the start of 2017. Yes i'm eating ok and more healthy but healthy is less high in calories. I'm still getting about 2500 calories a day though.

    Cheers Buster

    ---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Why are you seeing a neurologist? Have you been checked over by an ENT specialist for ear problems? Who is investigating your weight loss and how are they doing this? Have you had a recent series of blood tests done including thyroid and blood glucose?
    It just seems as if they don't know but are passing you around the houses to look as if they are doing something...
    I hope your scan helps in your diagnosis but I'd seriously consider shelling out for a private consultation if you feel it would get you somewhere and if you found a consultant yourself who you felt could help you?
    Hi Pulisa, Thanks for taking the time to reply

    Yes i had blood tests in Oct16, April17, June17, Aug17 and Oct17. They all included thyroid and glucose. The bloods i had in Oct17 was pretty much everything plus it included full bone profile bloods in prep for my vascular appt.

    An ENT appt has never been suggested. I saw the vascular consultant as that's what A&E suggested. When that checked out fine the consultant said i should see a neurologist. Now bearing in mind i've had all these other stomach issues going on and was taken to A&E when they thought i'd had a stroke with the, dizziness, off balance, freezing cold feet & hands, numb feet, numbness in my face and my blood pressure hit the roof. All that's happened is i've seen the vascular consultant and by the time i see the neurologist on May 9th it will be 9months since being taken to A&E and that's crap!!

    The surgeon i met on the 28th Feb was fantastic and pretty much said that he want's to get to the bottom off my 8 stone weight loss rather than just taking my gallbladder out. Yes after pushing the gastro for nearly 5months after seeing him for the 1st time for further tests and eventually getting another ultrasound at the end of Nov that showed a thickened gallbladder wall and a shadow i thought great i'm getting somewhere. It took 3months for my surgeon appt and that's when he sorted this MRCP and upper abdo MRI as he said the shadow in my gallbladder could be a polyp, stone or tumour. The scan was checking my liver, gallbladder, billiary tree, pancreatuc duct and pancreas. It's frustrating and i had the MRI/MRCP within 4 weeks but the surgeon want's an endoscopy also but i've heard nothing on that. Simply the gastro was dismissive and uninterested and it's not the surgeons job to sort these tests.

    As for paying private and what really pi##es me off is i had private medical for 10 years which probably cost me over £50000 and never used it. During this time i was paying vast tax and was an employer at 22. Now i've not worked for a couple of years in an attempt to rid myself of anxiety and work out what career move i won't to make, monies running out and i can't afford to pay to private to see a consultant private. Besides the NHS doesn't seem to know what it's doing so i don't really know what consultant i would need to see.

    Bit of a rant at the end sorry!

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