Quote Originally Posted by Tyke View Post
Having anything wrong with you physically is likely to knock your confidence. If it is something you don't normally have that makes it worse and facial issues are extremely traumatic as the face is the first thing we see in someone. I would imagine that when you have recovered from the infection you will feel a whole lot better. Should this have taken 6 months? Are you getting the right treatment? Shouldn't antibiotics or whatever you are taking have cleared this up by now? Maybe you should go back to the doctor?

Yeah, it sure is this eye infection that is making my confidence going down, and so is my ability to speak normally, look people in the face, etc... It kinda makes total sense, right? And I can feel the frustrations bringing me down...

As for the eye infection goes, I went to 3 different doctors, with 3 different approaches and medication. This is not constantly going, it comes and goes with no reason, apparently. Find out last week that there is a disease (which name in English I don't know, I'm portuguese) that fits completely with the symptoms I'm having. I'm on medication for that now, hope it will sort this out. I'm a week away from a big, big work, with a very large team and responsibility, so lets hope the medication work this time... fingers crossed.

Thanks for the words.