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Thread: Anxiety, social gatherings?

  1. #1

    Anxiety, social gatherings?


    Does anyone have any tips on controlling the above?

    I get hot sweats, the more i feel myself getting warm the more i panic!

    I usually have to make excuse like going to the Wc for instance where i can try and calm down and wipe the sweat from my brow.

    This is usually if a stranger or someone i don't know is talking to me about a particular interest, or about people i know.

    I worry they are looking down on me and i shouldn't be there at a particular event or gathering.

    I'm always worried i'm going tobe taken the wrong way, its putting me off my hobby and i get very anxious before these gatherings / events.

    Sometimes i cancel and don't go at all and there's usually a great relief on my part.

    I know i suffer with axiexty and this i just one of the things that stressers me out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Anxiety, social gatherings?

    It’s awful isn’t it.

    I think controlling your breathing is one of the biggest factors. You can find lots of tips for that on YouTube.

    I always sit in an aisle or at the back. I always have mints & a tissue, and often a bottle of water. I stick with friends where possible.

    But also, I think that the things I’m scared of aren’t really that bad after all. What is it that worries you?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3

    Re: Anxiety, social gatherings?

    Hi Scass,

    I think its a class thing if you like, I'm a working class chap and dont have a great education just normal main stream etc.

    Just feel/worry sometimes people think im not good enough tobe there, And i'm not great thinking on my feet sorry worry if i get asked some questions for example "do yo know So an so" he is that bloke from lalala etc. I probably wouldn't know who there talking about.

    Or if they make a joke and i wouldnt understand it, Silly i know.

    At that point i would feel myself get warm under the collar, sweety palms etc, Then try and muddle through.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Anxiety, social gatherings?

    I completely understand that. I hate feeling embarrassed- and conversations I don’t understand and can’t follow - embarrass me.

    How about going forearmed with some subjects you do know about? Or some good questions? I find asking people about themselves is really helpful.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5

    Re: Anxiety, social gatherings?

    Thanks Scass,

    Its usually car's meets i attend, within a Club.. so could be any random questions asked, I take your point tho thankyou

    I will try have to try and push myself to socialise more i suppose but i really do find that tough :/

  6. #6

    Re: Anxiety, social gatherings?

    Got a panic on now, completly forgot a friend had asked me out tonight for a catch up and Pint......

    I've already had a bad day today with palps probably due to the funeral i had to attend.

    Want to cancel tonight as ive got myself worked up, keep saying to myself "come on" pull yourself together... it will be fine... you will have a nice evening..

    Tbh fed up with people not understanding my worries, most of the time i dont even think im stressing about stuff but when i look back its obvious. So tired right now.

    Dont know why ive written the above, i thought it may help myself letting it all out....

  7. #7

    Re: Anxiety, social gatherings?

    Hope all went ok mate, it's horrible isn't it feels as though it stops you from living your life properly and no one seems to understand what your going through.

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