hi Everyone

I have generally led a great life but ocassionally suffer from obsessional worry which i feed on the internet, the last time this hit was 2014 and lasted months. It leads to anxiety and depression. In 2014 i just rode it out and plagued my wife for long chats every single night and other self help methods. GP wanted me to take effexor but i held off

This time we have a 2 year old child and my GP put me on zoloft which i have been on now for 7 weeks. I was getting better but have had a major relapse over the last few days and am now stuck in a worry cyclye about what happens if i get addicted to the zoloft, will i be on it for life, will i be able to taper in the future ? if i need it for life then what happens if i cant get it and these worries are causing a major relapse and feel physically ill and im as bad as ever. I feel like i am at breaking point, i go to a pyschologist also and that helps but only short term. Afterwards im back online causing myself more issues...

After 7 weeks, should these tablets be helping ? Im on 50 MG at the moment, going to see GP today and get a referral for a pyschiatrist as maybe they can reassure me. I have spent all day today online obsessing and most of this week.

Can you guys give me any info on this and maybe give me some rational answers to the worries above ? I would never go cold turkey on the tablets and would taper really slowly with them but i worry that if i stay on them then ill never be happy or well enough to come off them because of the worry they cause me , but if i do stop them then my worry will probably jump on to something else

Please help