I hate to say this but I read that list of food you used to eat and it made me hungry I'm not hugely over weight doc said four stone then nurse said you are tall and pretty big so about 2 1/2 stone over but it's still a fair bit and it's enough to make life a bit harder than it already is , I just feel a bit uncomfortable in my own skin so it's either lose weight or get a bigger skin .
So the good things I've changed , I go on an exercise bike most days and I am pretty active for fat middle aged worrier , I now eat more fruit , I only drink sugar free drinks but even that is frowned upon now , nobody ever advises give up sugary drinks and go for sugar free ones the sweeteners are just as bad for you and make you crave a sugar fix , I only have half a sugar in my tea and only two cups a day .
Now the bad bit , it was partners birthday at the weekend and she had a huge cake I've given a fair bit away but if it's in the house it whispers "eat me " until I cave in ( I don't really hear voices )
Right now my life is a mess ,well has been for about ten years so the chance of me not comfort eating are slim unlike my belly , but never say never .
Take care and keep on keeping on