Hi all,

After workout march 16 my arms started to feel "weird". I dont know how to explain it but it "felt" week but without being acutally weak. As i could still lift stuff and all. When i came home i googled and guess what? ALS and MS. And boy i was scared shi*less and panicked - suddenly feeling weak in every limb - arms and legs - problem swallowing etc.. however this feeling of weakness subsided and i only felt like my legs where kinda cold and weak but i didnt care as my arms felt fine. Then after a couple of days i got this feeling of weakness in arms again and went into three weeks of depression where i would cry everyday cause my fear of MS. I also started to get tingling on my hands and feets, burning sensation and unexplained itching. I went to my GP and the blood test showed vitamin d definciecy (very low - 17). So i started taking vitamin d and starting to feel much better. Most of the symptoms where gone and felt little of this "weakness". So my fear for MS is gone.

Fast forward some weeks and felt this weird sensations in my neck and head. As if i kept head forward i felt kinda dizzy and felt like i had straight my neck and sit straight (i have a bad posture) and then the feeling. I "translated" this as weak neck and the first thing that popped in my head was ALS. So from that day till now i have anxiety for ALS because i feel weak. After googling like a madman i found that after weakness you get twitching so i was like "oh yeah i haven't had that so im ok i guess". You guys can guess what happend then after some days? Yup twicthing. One-three twitch on upper knee then gone for some hours and then a little twitch on my jaw and then gone, and then on my butt etc.. it comes and go. So now im like yes i have feeling of weakness and twitching with so thats ALS. I also have minor hands tremor that tends to come and go. My legs, chest and back of the neck sometimes have this buzzing feeling like a internal shaking. I went to the gym yesterday after being away since march 16 and i could still lift as heavy as before. However i still feel weak. After workour my whole body had this internal shaking (never happend after workout before) and that sent me into panicmode again. I looked up atrophy and now i think i have this dent on both my biceps. Im not sure if i had them before. I think i have atrophy above my right knee. Also the hole right beside my knees is deeper on the right knee than on the left knee. Sometimes my knee feels funny when i walk. I went to a neurologist ( 25 years of experience) and he did some test with reflexes and muscle strenght. Everyrthing went fine except that my reflex on my right arm and legs were a little slower but after trying to hit them from a different angel they were normal. He said that if i had ALS my legs would "jump" out so i dont need to worry about that i have little slow reflexes on the right sides. However that still scares me. He didnt order an EMG and im a little upset about it because now ill never know if have ALS for sure. And im scared if i take emg it might show something wrong. He also said that ALS twitching is different than "normal" twitching:
1. He said that ALS patients doesnt always notice that they have fasciculation. He said that often he has patients lay on the bed without a t-shirt and he can see the twitching while they themself haven't noticed it. They might notice it but not everyone.
2. The ALS twitching is more "wave-like" as he said and on one spot at the time. Not like me that pops up on the knee for a sec and after some hours on the back. If you search "northen light" on youtube you see what he means by wave-like.

Ive only taken vitamin d for a month and i still have 2 months to go. Im taking 4000 IU = 100 microgram.

Basically im scared guys. Im 24 years old and i had so much planned with my life. I dont want to go now.... Its been a living hell and i dont know whats going on with my body. Prior to these symptoms ive been stressed out about my education - will i get a job? Should i take a 2nd bachelor after im finished with this one? Will i get a job. Now my exams is on the door and i cant concetrate at all. These twitching is kinda like "knock knock.. dont forget your arms and legs are weak and you are going to die with the worst disease ever". At this point im ready to accept MS or even cancer as i might survive and can get treatment.

Anyone who felt this way or have these symtomps? I feel so alone with these symtomps and none of my friends and family says that they felt these symptoms. Im scared and depressed. Plz help . Its not going away. No progression but still there.

I added some photoes of the dents.

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