Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
It does sound like it was doping you too much. I often wonder about this as we get so much fatigue and some people have said they just feel fogged when taking too much of some meds.

What I find strange is the reduced thoughts. You would have thought the med was slowing that down as opposed to stimulating it? But then that's probably more about the adrenaline & glutamine side and if your med has been working on the noradrenaline receptors then maybe that's the stimulation element but I don't know what this meds affinity is for those? Some SSRI's seem to do that.

If two meds are working on the same receptors then they are combining in some way. Just like a switch there is some overlapping effects.

I would do what you think is right. If you try larger drops then you know the risks are the potential for a harder hit if the withdrawal comes and some time needed to rebalance yourself on a higher dose to come back down more gradually. Coming down more gradually brings less risk of this but takes much longer. But it may even be that you won't feel withdrawal as much until you get into the lower doses, like benzo users report, and I remember coming off Cit years ago the final reduction was where I felt it more pronounced.

Cheers for your response Terry,

I know I have read everywhere that seroquel really stops racing thoughts and repetitive thinking etc so I always thought I needed to go higher on the dosage as I still had ‘pop’ thoughts... like impulse thinking. Jumping on tracks infront of a train, popping pills etc so it was like my mind would pop in a thought then obsess about it. Since reducing I have also needed less benzo so going form 2/3 times a week to 1 time in 2 weeks and that was 2mg lorazepam for a meeting at work. I never realised how much these meds were dampening me down and dulling me down...

I can’t reduce the mirtazapine as I done that and turned me in to a suicidal depressed wreck! But this reduction in seroquel has been well received and very welcomed..

I think as I have had no withdrawals what so ever I am getting over confident and thinking well maybe I can just stop but that’s where it all goes wrong....

I think I’ll complete 4 weeks of 200mg then go to 150mg.... rather than taking too big of a jump then paying for it later when I crash.