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Thread: Day 1 effexor ER and continued diary

  1. #1

    Day 1 effexor ER and continued diary

    Hey guys.

    I suffer from panic disorder. Had a major breakdown few months ago and have been in bed since getting more and more depressed. I suffer mostly health anxiety and it manifests into physical symptoms making it hard for me to tell whats real and whats panic. Never been on meds before.

    I did try 1 dose 5mg lexapro and got scary twitching and anxiety from it so stopped.

    So started effexor ER 37.5mg today. After reading hundreds of reviews i have been terrified to take it. I have a fear of medications in general. Its that sense of once you swallow it you cant go back you are trapped. Then i sit and wait for odd sensations in my body then freak out.

    Doc started me on klonopin 0.25mg so i took one yesterday to see how i feel on them. It took edge off my anxiety but i still had nervous butterflies because i knew effexor was coming the next day and that is what i was terrified about. Terrified id have the same horrible shaky tremor experience like lexapro.

    So today

    Took klonopin 0.25mg at 10 am
    Then effexor 37.5ER at 12pm. With food.

    It is now 5 hours past. I have been nicely relaxed. Didnt feel any sudden onset of anything. I feel heavy in my body but feels good to me right now since been so anxious. Very mild headache that isnt painful. Twinge of nausea 3 hours in was corrected eating crackers.

    I know its early still but will report back again tomorrow. Klonopin will only be used to help me through this start up phase. I do not plan on keeping that on board

  2. #2

    Re: Day 1 effexor ER and continued diary

    Okay so still day 1 and not sure whats happening.

    8 hours in i got really funny feeling. My klonopon pretty much worn off but i hot super burning hot all over my body. Started in my arms then face and head. It freaked me out. I never had a hot flash before in my life so assuming this was it. So far happened 3 times first being most intense. Then i had a bit of panic attack after and swore i would not tske it again. Popped a klonopin and a bit settled now.

    I keep getting them in waves. Not sweating but just feel like my arms face and head are burning then it subsides.

    Is this a start up side effect ? I feel like quitting :-(

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Day 1 effexor ER and continued diary

    I have just to day started ven75 do and not doin very good my self one big panic all day even with diazepam hope it gets better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Day 1 effexor ER and continued diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Tammykinz View Post
    Okay so still day 1 and not sure whats happening.

    8 hours in i got really funny feeling. My klonopon pretty much worn off but i hot super burning hot all over my body. Started in my arms then face and head. It freaked me out. I never had a hot flash before in my life so assuming this was it. So far happened 3 times first being most intense. Then i had a bit of panic attack after and swore i would not tske it again. Popped a klonopin and a bit settled now.

    I keep getting them in waves. Not sweating but just feel like my arms face and head are burning then it subsides.

    Is this a start up side effect ? I feel like quitting :-(
    Hi Tammykinz. I'm sorry to revive a 5 year old post but am curious if it eventually got better with Effexor since I myself am VERY APPREHENSIVE about starting it, got my prescription slip today. Or were you not able to tolerate it and ended up switching?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Day 1 effexor ER and continued diary

    Quote Originally Posted by n3r0x1k View Post
    Hi Tammykinz. I'm sorry to revive a 5 year old post but am curious if it eventually got better with Effexor since I myself am VERY APPREHENSIVE about starting it, got my prescription slip today. Or were you not able to tolerate it and ended up switching?
    Tammykinz last logged on in April 2018 so probably won't see your post. You could try sending a private message.

    Despite the impression given in support groups, most people have none to only mild initial side-effects. However, if we convince ourselves that we will suffer greatly then anxious minds can produce our worst nightmares irrespective of what the med does, or doesn't do. My advice is to not go down the rabbit hole of seeking other people's experiences. Your biological reactions to medications are unique to you and other's experiences will tell you nothing about how you will fare. Some initial side-effects can be unpleasant but they are usually short-lived and rarely harmful. Unrelieved anxiety/stress and/or depression have a far greater negative impact both physically and emotionally.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Day 1 effexor ER and continued diary

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Tammykinz last logged on in April 2018 so probably won't see your post. You could try sending a private message.

    Despite the impression given in support groups, most people have none to only mild initial side-effects. However, if we convince ourselves that we will suffer greatly then anxious minds can produce our worst nightmares irrespective of what the med does, or doesn't do. My advice is to not go down the rabbit hole of seeking other people's experiences. Your biological reactions to medications are unique to you and other's experiences will tell you nothing about how you will fare. Some initial side-effects can be unpleasant but they are usually short-lived and rarely harmful. Unrelieved anxiety/stress and/or depression have a far greater negative impact both physically and emotionally.
    Thanks a lot for your input, I hugely appreciate it. I will allow myself to ask a few more people mostly for 2 reasons why switching to this one scares me given my cardiac and arrythmia history, I'm actually begging to find some success stories otherwise I'll just not do the switch. But yah, my main concerns are elevated heart rate and possibly elevated BP, both of which I cannot allow myself to experience (The high BP one because I have CKD and high BP is one of the main things to avoid).

    That said, you are right in what you said, and although some post success stories, not EVERY person who takes an SSRI / SNRI will come here (or anywhre and say "Hey guys I'm doin' great, bye".

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