Hi all. Long post - my apologies.

First of all, I sincerely apologise for not being able to respond to private messages, emails etc over the past few years; I hope and trust that everyone has been able to find some comfort in the Guide and are well on the way towards recovery.

Second, this Guide has needed an overhaul for many years. I have reached a point in my own recovery where I am now becoming able to undertake this task. Working on the Guide (or even thinking about it) takes me back to some very tough memories. It's fair to say that my level of anxiety/depression/whatever was catastrophic when I began writing the Guide, and it is also fair to say that the severity of my illness left me with some kind of post-traumatic distress which has taken years to understand and begin to heal. But as the Guide says from the beginning, hope survives. I am rapidly reaching the point where working on the Guide will not only be possible, it might even help me exorcise some demons.

The Guide is missing hugely important information about problems such as PTSD, intrusive thoughts, self esteem and many, many other related issues. I have learned a great deal about conditions such as autism/Asperger syndrome, ADHD and bipolar disorder which could be usefully added to the Guide.

I am also planning to write something that I should have started two years ago: a DWP survival guide. I have not only challenged and roflstomped the DWP in court, I went to court a second time to represent a friend and roflstomped them again! At this point I can't say too much, just that it would represent a highly organised series of instructions/recommendations, including actual letters that I have written to the DWP and other organisations. Not only do these letters contain a vast amount of information that will help other people, they are good examples of "restrained aggression" which should put a smile on your face. The human spirit can and will triumph against a system designed to destroy it.

I have (repeatedly) been made aware that a self help guide with nearly a million hits represents a marketing opportunity. It has always been my intention that the Citalopram Survival Guide remains free to everyone and it will continue to do so, with updates, for as long as No More Panic endures. However, as a person who has struggled with ridiculous levels of debt throughout his whole life, I can no longer overlook the opportunities the Guide has opened up.

As such I'll be writing a hugely overhauled version of the Guide which will be available via Amazon Kindle, and I'll be connected via Patreon. When that's all set up, I will also be writing additional chapters and/or offering bespoke content at the request of Patreon users.

Finally, I have been repeatedly advised to create a series of Youtube videos supporting people with anxiety-related conditions. I am currently testing the waters with gaming videos to see if I've got what it takes. These videos can also be used to answer questions I'm commonly asked; they would mainly be useful for people who are in the early days of starting new medication, as we all know how rough those days can be.

Well, those are my plans. Who knows if any of it will come to anything, but here's hoping.

Stay strong everyone, take care of yourselves and be kind to the people who love you.