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Thread: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    You have ocd and your posts are full of compulsive behaviors. Find out what they are and cut them out. You can't out-think ocd.

  2. #122
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    I got a reply on another forum from someone which never helped I replied so here it is:

    [quote name="Nog" post="586112" timestamp="1529982406"]Solipsism is the idea that you can only PROVE that your consciousness is the only one that exists. Its just an extreme form of idealism, which is the idea that the only things that exist are things that exist in both you and other peoples consciousness.
    The things you just talked about don't disprove solipsism in the slightest. People aging could just be your brain imagining peoples appearance changing over time. Reproduction could just be your brain creating new "NPC's" in your reality. Only 2 genders exist because your brain decided there were 2 genders.
    However all of this is going off the assumption that solipsists think that reality is fake, which isnt true. Once again they only believe you cant PROVE that anything else actually exists. After all, the only reality and existence you ever perceive is your own.
    The thing that dpdr sufferers get wrong is they assume that nothing else exists, which is kinda ridiculous imo[/quote]

    This is nonsense.

    If age and others do I must not exist either because the process of me aging is the same as everybody else. Solipsism does not suggest I’m not real it’s the opposite it’s nobody else is real.

    If I cook my dinner I can smell it, see it and taste it. If I come in from work to my dinner cooked logic suggest the sausage was fried but you are saying the magic man made it it just appeared like Star Trek and the food replicator. It only becomes cooked if I stand there?

    There can only be two genders because it’s the same with animals. Two of the same sex do not work to reproduce. If females don’t exist Must have got here another way. Yet I still went through childhood and grew up like everybody else. There is a theropy that in reincarnation the previous soul stays with you until you are older but that’s nothing to do with solipsism.

    Listen reality is fake if you say you can’t prove it. What solipsism can’t prove is yes life could be a trick or an illusion but you can’t prove millions of people are not part of this virtual experience too.

    I go back to solipsism again I never heard of it so my mind made it up did it? Imagining people over time well I notice my furniture getting old I notice carpets wearing down and clothes getting old. So things do get old because time does pass. What you suggest is when I open a door everything appears when I close the door nothing is behind it. For that to happen the virtual experience would have to be beyond what human computers produce today for example a PlayStation game isn’t as detailed as real life.

    Solipsism is as bonkers as flat earth theory. Solipsism is saying everything just appears, joe bloggs is having that conversation because I’m here, nobody else deserves to come to earth and live a life only me im the chosen one. If solipsism is real it can’t also prove millions of people are plugged into computers experiencing different versions of the earth. If solipsism is real no aliens exist because only earth exists. People breathing is all a lie, yet I’m breathing so if they are not really breathing neither am I? This is where it’s bonkers “I” is so alike millions of others if you are going to doubt others existence then truth is you can’t exist either but if you don’t exist I would not be able to ask this question.

    ---------- Post added at 09:17 ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 ----------

    The fact is solipsism suggest you are the only one. But my post suggests you can’t exist either which goes back to depersonalization. And how else did I get here did the magic man teleport me down here if I have a family and watch them grow up do they vanish when I vanish? You watch them being born for then to not exist when I’m not here? It goes back to another theory everyone is pointless that’s another debate.

    ---------- Post added at 09:28 ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 ----------

    Also if solipism is real “biology” is false. Physics is fake..

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    Everything can be explained away within solipsism. Every occurrence in history, every future daily mundane event, everything you don't understand yet later understand. It's a "God works in mysterious ways" but replace it with "my mind...".

    Everything is created by your mind. Two sexes and the fact all those other solipsists may also have two sexes within their solipsism can be explained away as them being constructs of your mind and therefore their beliefs are also.

    That's why I said it's a convenient philosophy. I can ask you to predict my next post yet when you get it wrong solipsism has the convenience of claiming your mind created your role & mins in the exchange including getting it wrong.

    Dispel it. Accept it exists as a concept and that you have examined it to decide you don't believe in it. Then eliminate the trapping behaviours, the compulsions that are keeping this cycle going.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  4. #124
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    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Everything can be explained away within solipsism. Every occurrence in history, every future daily mundane event, everything you don't understand yet later understand. It's a "God works in mysterious ways" but replace it with "my mind...".

    Everything is created by your mind. Two sexes and the fact all those other solipsists may also have two sexes within their solipsism can be explained away as them being constructs of your mind and therefore their beliefs are also.

    That's why I said it's a convenient philosophy. I can ask you to predict my next post yet when you get it wrong solipsism has the convenience of claiming your mind created your role & mins in the exchange including getting it wrong.

    Dispel it. Accept it exists as a concept and that you have examined it to decide you don't believe in it. Then eliminate the trapping behaviours, the compulsions that are keeping this cycle going.
    If solipsism is real then I am also not real that takes us back to depersonalization. If I exist and breath eat and drink like anybody else hurt my leg or something I can feel it like anybody else.

    If solipsism was true I age so do others so the progress of me aging is also an illusion. If life is intact a illusion I imagine it’s one everybody in the world is seeing.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    I am not going to read the post because I am afraid that it will spark solipsism ocd again as I am am very vulnerable at the moment but I can tell you one thing:

    I had solipsism OCD for the longest time and I was able to get over it completely and fully and I am a someone who is (like most of you here) a world champion with coming up with the most twisted versions of solipsism convincing myself that it must be true.

    I just wanted to drop by and let you know that there is hope and that you will be able to recover in such a way that you will not even lose one single thought over this for a consistent period of 5 years (so far so good and knock on wood) and that no matter how you feel right now, no matter how entrenched the thoughts and how close to insanity you might think you are at the moment - there is a way out and that way out will show itself eventually and you will be able to get back to your old self.

    Keep the spirits up and hang in there - whoever is dealing with solipsism, I know it can make you feel extremely isolated, insane and broken, yes almost psychotic but rest assured that this is only OCD and that it will resolve itself.

  6. #126
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    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    I was told the Solipsism thing would vanish in weeks but I’ve had this months like when I look at the country side I believe it’s like a movie and only appearing as I pass by. I read people say Solipsism is the worst thing to have with anxiety it’s horrible but from what I have seen it’s not as common as health anxieties.

    It makes me feel disconnected to life and I fear never feeling emotion again?

  7. #127
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    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    I’ve had thoughts like nobody is real and life is a dream despite dreams existing I thought maybe life is a double dream? And I also worry nobody else is really living there life it’s all in my head.

    It makes no sense and it’s a big world and I don’t know why I would be so special to be the only one. But right now it feels that way.

    I have to say it’s been one of the worst symptoms of anxiety can anybody relate to this?

  8. #128
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    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?


  9. #129
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    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    When I read aricles like this it makes me anxious

     Also I decided if time travel exists I can exist in different years either future or past so its confusing thinking this deep

    ---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ----------

    What’s everybody think of these videos

    These videos help me what is everybody’s thoughts on them?

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Has anyone overcome Solipsism ocd?

    This evil genius must have a massive interest in very boring behavioural experiments then. And where is the evil bit? Merely that he put you in a jar? Surely evil would be making your experiences horrible? So why not a lovely, caring genius?

    The whole "it's not real unless you look at it" reminds me of a character in the film Mystery Men, Invisible Boy. He is only invisible when no one is looking, a superpower the rest groan at for being BS. Later in the film they can't get past a laser targeting their movements towards a door. Up steps Invisible Boy who tells them to close their eyes whilst he strips off and disables the laser. Voila! But then they all open their eyes to congratulate him and are greeted with a very visible, and naked, Invisible Boy

    I wonder what this scientist would make of asking others to comment on this? Therefore talking to one's self

    If you are a brain in a jar, be a happy brain in a jar. Would it make any difference then if you lived a happy life? What would be gained by the true proof you were in a jar...other than finding your life is now extremely shitty?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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