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Thread: Missed JSA appointment - fear of having a pa

  1. #1

    Missed JSA appointment - fear of having a pa

    Hi everyone,
    Today, as mentioned in a previous post, I had an appointment to sign on after being on sick for 13 weeks.
    I took a propranolol this morning, got my self ready and then decided I just couldn't go because I felt as soon as I walked in there I would get the dreaded feelings coming and I would get the instant urge to leave.
    Instead of going and signing on, I emailed my adviser explaining I couldn't go and then I went back to bed.
    I have spoken to my adviser on the phone today and he has said I can either get another appointment to sign on, and be available for work and courses etc, which I feel at the moment I couldn't do, or I could close my claim and be paid up until today and then apply for ESA.
    If I knew I could get ESA this would be a huge amount of stress that I wouldn't have to deal with.
    I have previously applied for esa before, 2 years ago and was turned down. This was for the same conditions I have now, anxiety, depression, panic attacks and IBS. I am also a single parent with no family support, the only family I have are my parents who are both ill and need a lot of errands etc done for them, and one brother who also has depression etc.
    I am so confused with what to do. If I apply for esa again I need my drs to say my condition has gotten worse and then go through the medical again and the thought of that terrifies me.
    Anyone have any advice?
    Iam currently working through the anxiety course workbooks on here and also watching 'The anxiety guy' on youtube, which I recommend to anyone .Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Missed JSA appointment - fear of having a pa

    If you are not up to attending JSA meetings then they will obviously peanalise you and stop your benefits anyway so you will be left with no money coming in. Maybe you do need to try for ESA if you feel you can not 'abide' by the committments of JSA

    When I signed up for universal credit the Job Centre organised for me to have a home visit....... yep I never knew the Job Centre did them until then!!!

    It may not be available for you, but maybe you could apply for ESA and ask if you can have a home visit as you are having trouble leaving the house.

    or you can obviously try your hardest to push yourself forward and prove to your brain that you won't get these feelings when you head out.......your brain needs to stop the "what if's" ..... sometimes it is best to get on with things and tell your brain that "what happens, happens" and then it will realise in time that there really is nothing to worry about (yep I know that is very hard to do)
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Missed JSA appointment - fear of having a pa


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

    This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Missed JSA appointment - fear of having a pa

    That’s such a shame you missed your appointment, I really had faith that you’d make it.

    Do you not go out at all?

    It’s up to you what you decide to do now, I don’t believe in piling more pressure on yourself, but I do believe in applying yourself & doing whatever you can. It’s so hard, I do know. But you have to believe that you can do it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5

    Re: Missed JSA appointment - fear of having a pa

    Thanks Venusbluejeans, I didn't realise there was a benefits section.
    When you had your home visit for universal credit, was that for looking for work or for esa? i'm not up to speed with universal credit, its not been fully rolled out in my area yet.

    ---------- Post added at 00:16 ---------- Previous post was at 00:08 ----------

    [QUOTE=Scass;1803134]That’s such a shame you missed your appointment, I really had faith that you’d make it.

    Do you not go out at all?

    It’s up to you what you decide to do now, I don’t believe in piling more pressure on yourself, but I do believe in applying yourself & doing whatever you can. It’s so hard, I do know. But you have to believe that you can do it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE
    I actually thought I was going to go too :( As soon as I got up today I could feel my heart going and the giddy feelings etc, they died down a bit with the propranolol. It was just the thought of not being able to leave once I got in there that did it.

    I do go out, not as much as I used to. Its just any kind of appointment where I know I cant leave, that's what triggers me.
    I also have sleep issues, I end up being awake most nights and having to nap during the day which means I don't get much done.

    I really don't know what to do as a next step. If I sign off jsa I might just be reinforcing my irrational fears. I was doing pretty good a few months ago too, I had been doing voluntary work for over a year, although I had rang in a lot of times to say I couldn't make it, usually because i'd been awake all night and just felt really s*itty :(
    I told my manager I would be back when I was feeling better. I just wish I could beat this and get back to 'normal'

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Missed JSA appointment - fear of having a pa

    Mine was a bit of a unique situation so I was told..... I had 2 jobs (one self employed and one not) and couldn't do those jobs due to my aniety and panic and each of those jobs told me that my job would always be there for me to return to when I was ready.

    I don't really know the in's and outs of universal credit, but usually they work towards you getting back to work, as they do with JSA and also ESA, but as I had jobs to go back to then I didn't need that bit of support. so the advisor was a bit confused as how to deal with it.

    I just had to report my earnings through the internet (which I had none at that point) and take a phone call from my advisor every 2 weeks as a catch up..... I think it is weekly phone calls or appointmets at the job centre if you are job searching.

    Luckily after 5 long months I am back to my 2 jobs and loving my life again. I have reached the threshold for not needing my money to be suplemented by Universal Credit, so now don't have the 2 weekly phone calls and my claim will apparently close itself after a while.
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Missed JSA appointment - fear of having a pa

    UC is the same as esa it has the same groups they just have different names.

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