If you are not up to attending JSA meetings then they will obviously peanalise you and stop your benefits anyway so you will be left with no money coming in. Maybe you do need to try for ESA if you feel you can not 'abide' by the committments of JSA

When I signed up for universal credit the Job Centre organised for me to have a home visit....... yep I never knew the Job Centre did them until then!!!

It may not be available for you, but maybe you could apply for ESA and ask if you can have a home visit as you are having trouble leaving the house.

or you can obviously try your hardest to push yourself forward and prove to your brain that you won't get these feelings when you head out.......your brain needs to stop the "what if's" ..... sometimes it is best to get on with things and tell your brain that "what happens, happens" and then it will realise in time that there really is nothing to worry about (yep I know that is very hard to do)