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Thread: So you think you have Rabies.....

  1. #11

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid-viking View Post
    I think one important thing to remember was not in the original post: if you develop terminal stage symptoms of rabies you would way to sick and even crazy to be able to sit and post on an Internet forum that you think you would have rabies. Which people should think about when they are convinced they have rabies because they have a headache or diarreah(which is the most classical anxiety symptom there is).

    But I notice - not to my surpise - that some posters fearing rabies are ignoring this post and keep posting "invisible rabies bat" posts as we speak. Maybe those posts should be merged with this one.
    One of the big things that people posting about this seem to forget also is that the non-specific "prodromal" phase can only last 2-10 days, with an average of 4 days. Beyond that you'd have definite neurologic symptoms and almost certainly be in the hospital.

  2. #12
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    Sep 2016

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    Quote Originally Posted by mn_guy View Post
    One of the big things that people posting about this seem to forget also is that the non-specific "prodromal" phase can only last 2-10 days, with an average of 4 days. Beyond that you'd have definite neurologic symptoms and almost certainly be in the hospital.
    You allready know that. And that is why you should stop this "yes but" on the thread you started. You should keep re-reading the first post in this thread over and over and over. No one here thinks you are dying of rabies. Only yourself.

  3. #13
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    Sep 2016

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    3 rabies threads AFTER this one was started. Someone just wont give up. There is always a "yes but no but yes but no but".....

    And NO ONE bothers to read this. I understnad now that reassurance seeking is like a drug.

  4. #14

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid-viking View Post
    3 rabies threads AFTER this one was started. Someone just wont give up. There is always a "yes but no but yes but no but".....

    And NO ONE bothers to read this. I understnad now that reassurance seeking is like a drug.
    Well, if the concerns were rational then they wouldn't be due to anxiety. There has actually been research done that shows reassurance is the exact opposite thing people with anxiety disorders need. In Exposure and Response Therapy, used most commonly for OCD, the treatment would be to tell people "Ok, so there is an extremely miniscule chance you have rabies. You need to deal with that possibility and accept it." This isn't because there is actually a reasonable chance that anyone has this (as the rest of this thread makes clear), but it's because you can never know with 100% certainty that something bad won't happen. Accepting uncertainty is the key to getting over anxiety.

    Of course this is a lot easier said than done.
    Last edited by mn_guy; 26-07-18 at 16:18. Reason: Expanded original post a bit

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    Here's a scenario.

    Someone with anxiety goes to a walk in group as they are desperate for help. After intros, rule setting, announcements, etc it comes to the open floor part and the coordinator asks if anyone would like to talk about their fears. The new person says yes and starts to talk about what they are struggling with. It's rabies. The rest of the attendees start rolling their eyes, groaning and displaying signs of frustration. The person feels uncomfortable talking, maybe they stop. The session ends.

    Does the person leave thinking what a great group of helpful, understanding, non judgemental people they have met and feel comfortable in returning? Or does the person leave thinking what an intolerant, ignorant group of people and maybe doesn't feel comfortable returning to seek support?

    Now interchange rabies with brain tumours, cancers, etc. It's no different when it's about frustration due to repetitive themes across sessions.

    That's something I'm seeing on these rabies threads. Plenty of good advice too but the frustration is showing. Anyone new might be put off NMP if this is their first thread.

    It's hardly new, it's been the same with other diseases. It feels like someone posts for help but also receives some of the baggage of previous threads.

    In the group session you may not feel able to leave if frustrated. Clicking the little x on a screen is easy enough though.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  6. #16
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    Sep 2016

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Here's a scenario.

    Someone with anxiety goes to a walk in group as they are desperate for help. After intros, rule setting, announcements, etc it comes to the open floor part and the coordinator asks if anyone would like to talk about their fears. The new person says yes and starts to talk about what they are struggling with. It's rabies. The rest of the attendees start rolling their eyes, groaning and displaying signs of frustration. The person feels uncomfortable talking, maybe they stop. The session ends.

    Does the person leave thinking what a great group of helpful, understanding, non judgemental people they have met and feel comfortable in returning? Or does the person leave thinking what an intolerant, ignorant group of people and maybe doesn't feel comfortable returning to seek support?

    Now interchange rabies with brain tumours, cancers, etc. It's no different when it's about frustration due to repetitive themes across sessions.

    That's something I'm seeing on these rabies threads. Plenty of good advice too but the frustration is showing. Anyone new might be put off NMP if this is their first thread.

    It's hardly new, it's been the same with other diseases. It feels like someone posts for help but also receives some of the baggage of previous threads.

    In the group session you may not feel able to leave if frustrated. Clicking the little x on a screen is easy enough though.
    Well, we are just human after all. One thing is when there are a single poster, like there was two years ago someone fearing rabies; but as we are just human it gets tiresome when people keep posting rabies threads every second day and you have to explain over and over why they dont have rabies. And then there are the same people posting new rabies threads over and over. The people have been told hundreds of time why they dont have rabies and why it is impossible, but it does not stuck. They come back and demand more reassurance they dont have rabies. Yes, even after THIS thread where the opening post explain in plain and simple language why these rabies fearers post impossible scenarios it does not work. They ignore it and keep posting rabies threads. Over and over. And when it is THE SAME PEOPLE over and over, then well....we get tired. And there is nothing we can offer cause they wont believe it anyway. Then the only thing to do is to tell them that they must seek help. What else to do?
    Most of the rabies threads are not necomers - not anymore. Someone keep getting new rabies fears all the time despite owerwhelming reassurance over and over and explanation they dont have it. At this point we are really talking about a serious anxiety disorder that people posting here whose not therapist are not able to handle.

  7. #17
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    Mar 2014

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid-viking View Post
    Well, we are just human after all. One thing is when there are a single poster, like there was two years ago someone fearing rabies; but as we are just human it gets tiresome when people keep posting rabies threads every second day and you have to explain over and over why they dont have rabies. And then there are the same people posting new rabies threads over and over. The people have been told hundreds of time why they dont have rabies and why it is impossible, but it does not stuck. They come back and demand more reassurance they dont have rabies. Yes, even after THIS thread where the opening post explain in plain and simple language why these rabies fearers post impossible scenarios it does not work. They ignore it and keep posting rabies threads. Over and over. And when it is THE SAME PEOPLE over and over, then well....we get tired. And there is nothing we can offer cause they wont believe it anyway. Then the only thing to do is to tell them that they must seek help. What else to do?
    Most of the rabies threads are not necomers - not anymore. Someone keep getting new rabies fears all the time despite owerwhelming reassurance over and over and explanation they dont have it. At this point we are really talking about a serious anxiety disorder that people posting here whose not therapist are not able to handle.
    No one is forced to read them. Simple. When you choose to read & reply, that's a decision you have made.

    As for the serious anxiety disorder, there is no real evidence of that (although some could be it depends on the impact to their lives but certainly no more than any other theme) and it's not just about the inability to resolve a theme as some people focus on one unlike others who jump from one to another and both may be the same underneath. We have people in here so severe they are in & out of hospital so I don't buy an argument those with repeating rabies themes are too severe for NMP. And if they were, that's up to Nic solely.

    It's often repetitive themes on the OCD board so I understand how repeating yourself can be frustrating but it just means skipping over some if you don't feel like it. I've often thought of recording scripts to post but never get around to it. These days I just let others reply otherwise you end spending a lot if time on here.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 27-07-18 at 09:33.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #18

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Here's a scenario.

    Someone with anxiety goes to a walk in group as they are desperate for help. After intros, rule setting, announcements, etc it comes to the open floor part and the coordinator asks if anyone would like to talk about their fears. The new person says yes and starts to talk about what they are struggling with. It's rabies. The rest of the attendees start rolling their eyes, groaning and displaying signs of frustration. The person feels uncomfortable talking, maybe they stop. The session ends.

    Does the person leave thinking what a great group of helpful, understanding, non judgemental people they have met and feel comfortable in returning? Or does the person leave thinking what an intolerant, ignorant group of people and maybe doesn't feel comfortable returning to seek support?

    Now interchange rabies with brain tumours, cancers, etc. It's no different when it's about frustration due to repetitive themes across sessions.

    That's something I'm seeing on these rabies threads. Plenty of good advice too but the frustration is showing. Anyone new might be put off NMP if this is their first thread.

    It's hardly new, it's been the same with other diseases. It feels like someone posts for help but also receives some of the baggage of previous threads.

    In the group session you may not feel able to leave if frustrated. Clicking the little x on a screen is easy enough though.
    As someone getting over a rabies fear, I agree with this sentiment. The whole point (I assumed) of an anxiety forum was to post what your symptoms of anxiety were to get support from others who have been through something similar. When I posted my story, I was reasonably sure that my fears were overblown and that I was suffering from anxiety (or else I would have posted on or some other non-anxiety medical forum). I realize the chances of getting rabies is very small to infinitesimal without a recognized animal bite. People not in the US should be aware, though, that our media and CDC government agency actively put out overblown statements warning about undetected bites and getting bitten in your sleep. If you are already inclined to anxiety, reading some of the stuff online can easily send your anxiety into a tailspin. Posting here for support and being told "that's an absurd fear and you're an idiot for worrying about it" may be technically correct but not exactly helpful.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    Quote Originally Posted by mn_guy View Post
    Posting here for support and being told "that's an absurd fear and you're an idiot for worrying about it" may be technically correct but not exactly helpful.
    I agree that one can interpret the responses in that manner and many, including myself have said these fears are totally irrational but no one called you an idiot.

    If you want tea and sympathy, just say it, otherwise, you will sometimes get cyber slapped upside the head.

    There are many fears here that are just statistically/virtually impossible and rabies happens to be one of them. As a long time member, anymore, my reaction is just a sigh and eye roll. Surely, having read many of the rabies threads here prior to posting, you had to be somewhat prepared for what the responses would be. Hopefully you'll address the reasons behind your fears and learn to control the dragon that causes them.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  10. #20

    Re: So you think you have Rabies.....

    I have been suffering with anxiety over this for the past month. I've had it come and go in the past, but this time has been exceedingly horrible - I'm afraid to go outside at night and if I so much as get touched by a plant or, in some cases a piece of my own clothing, I second guess that it could have been some animal that bit me. It's irrational as all get out to think an animal could touch me for half a second and in that time it be a bite and for me to have not seen the animal at all! Any unknown scratch or mark I find on myself is also a major trigger (I had quite a large scratch I cannot recall where it came from, and of course instead of assuming I accidentally scratched myself with something, I jump to it must have been some super powered animal that left me one scratch and disappeared at the speed of light all without me noticing a darn thing until later).

    I'm currently working through some HA help guides posted in the forums and am trying to stay positive. I do thank the people who put up with these threads (I'm posting here because, I agree it'd be better for everyone to pool their experiences in one place!)

    I try to look at other anxieties people have and I think how strange and absurd they sound and that also seems to help a bit because I'm like... well I'm sure if they knew what I was afraid of they'd find me to be quite odd too. Thank you for a general post and some helpful tips/information As someone else said, in the US the media vastly stretches reality on it. I think there are thousands of people who get vaccines for it yearly, when I think prior to the vaccine it was still only roughly 100? people who actually got it on average in a year (this is based on memories, I am 100% not allowing myself to google rabies stuff anymore) which makes it, even without vaccines, very rare here. But the fact that so many vaccines are given yearly makes me always second guess myself like maybe I should get a vaccine for this unknown scratch (even though no doctor would ever do that).

    Writing a diary of any "symptoms" i feel really has helped, because I notice my symptoms come and go with any triggers I have and it often takes a few days after a trigger before I feel ok again for a bit. Anxiety is the #1 culprit in my logical mind!

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