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Thread: Blue badge scheme update...what do you think?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Blue badge scheme update...what do you think?

    I thought I would start a bit of a debate...

    Today it has been announced that from 2019 the blue badge parking scheme would be updated to include hidden disabilities..... this is to include mental health problems.

    So my question is..... should those with anxiety and depression be able to have blue badge's to park closer to things?

    Personally I wouldn't want one, I feel that it is for people who with more phsysical disabilities who need to be closer to the shops..... yes this includes some hidden disabilities such as IBD, Cystic Fibrosis, ME, arthritis and more.

    Some more severe mental health problems (yes when we are suffering all we feel we have severe mental health problem) such as Autism and maybe Agoraphobia would be made easier with a blue badge.

    So I am torn over what I think about the changes really. It will be really hard to differentiate when a mental health condition needs a blue badge and when it doesn't. An awful lot of people suffer from mental health problems in the UK so are they going to make everyone eligible??

    What do others think?

    For those outside the UK .....The Blue Badge scheme helps you park closer to your destination if you’re disabled. It costs £10 to get your blue badge
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  2. #2
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
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    Aug 2009

    Re: Blue badge scheme update...what do you think?

    This is interesting and I will investigate. Having Fibro/Chronic Fatigue makes life difficult because it is very much a hidden disability. Some days I feel I could knock down solid walls, while others can barely tolerate anything touching my skin. So this would be a great help as I also drive - usually with difficulty and in considerable pain or at very least discomfort. Being able to park closer or in a more convenient spot would be welcome.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Blue badge scheme update...what do you think?

    l have days were l need to get in a shop and out so being nearer would be a life saver to me my anxiety is awful when im shops ,

    but l see the other side people with physical needs out way my needs ,im on the fence Venusbluejeans
    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart -Helen Keller

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