Hi Jo / Robert
Just read my mail and it sounds awful, far too negative.
I would like to make one point about my own experience. I believe drugs are great for getting you through a very bad patch, the time on them should be used to sort out as much as possible, they do nothing more than give you a bit of breathing space. I didn’t use my time on them wisely, instead I took on more pressures during that period because I could and I thought I’d cracked it, thought I’d left it behind me and I hadn’t. As soon as I started to drop my dose the anxiety picked up and by the time I’d finished with them, straight away I was hyped up and completely living on my nerves again.

That’s where your experiences are different to my own, you’re feeling good off or coming off them and sounding positive, which I didn’t. I think your both great for giving it a lash and I wish you the best of luck.
