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Thread: Too scared to take first dose

  1. #1

    Too scared to take first dose

    I've just been prescribed 3.5mg does of venlafaxine, I've never taken any anti-depressants before and extremely worried about this one due to side effects and withdrawal effects. I phoned the drs to say I didn't want to take it and was basically told take it for the month then they'll review it. I'm too scared to take it in case I feel more anxious then feel even worse if I stop taking them.
    I can't keep living in this anxiety loop but too scared to take them. Is it as bad as everywhere says it is?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    Hi Cconnie, I started these back in December last year, 37.5 is the smallest dose and I managed the side effects. It really is worth it to get rid of the anxiety, you may be totally fine and have none. It certainly wasn't a horror drug to get on to. Sending you big hugs, keep posting on here and we will help you through it xx

  3. #3

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    Thank you for the support, I'll keep posting xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    I've been on 25MG for two weeks. I did get increased anxiety at the beginning and am taking Xanax to combat the increased anxiousness. I've been through this merry go round before and it should settle in the next few weeks. I am increasing to 37.5MG tomorrow. Keep us posted . Hugs to you!

  5. #5

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    I didn't have a good nights sleep last night and I don't know if it was just down to anxiety or not. Woke up at half 2 in the morning in a panic and then again at 7 and at 8. That hasn't happened to me in a few weeks. If I stop and think then I get more anxious so I've just been trying to keep busy, hopefully things get better but I'm already worrying about side effects.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    I am the same way CConnie. I am tuning into every sensation in my body. Did the doctor give you Xanax or anything to cope with the anxious thoughts until it kicks in?

  7. #7

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    I've been give a beta-blocker as well to calm the physical symptoms, I'm just hoping that it helps to keep me chill so I can build my confidence with travelling places and leaving the house. I don't really want to be on it long term or more truthfully I'm scared to become addicted and not be able to get off it. Just got to start pushing myself more and keeping calm.
    Thanks for your support

  8. #8

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    Today is the first day since taking it I've felt really bad. The other days I could cope with it but today I had a big panic. I didn't have a good night's sleep last night and woke up panicking three times, I did thankfully manage to get to sleep again after a while. But I've woke up this morning feeling sick, my teeth feeling weird and sweating/feeling really hot. I still got dressed and drove to work but was very anxious and panicked on the way. When at work my head and hotness just felt so much worse so I've come home. Before I was on these tablets I probably would of stayed at work but I think because I know I'm taking them it made my panic worse and I came home.
    Trying to be positive I did manage to drive to work while having a panic attack and did do controlled breathing to help me. Just hoping I feel better after some more sleep.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    You are doing brilliantly by doing something that is so scary in the hope that it will make you feel better. If this helps as a diary, then please keep posting.
    Wishing you well x

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Too scared to take first dose

    I'm on my 3rd day of increase and I must admit this one has been the hardest up to now. I was in a meeting this morning at work that went on 3 hours and for most of that I felt like I was on another planet, kept totally zoning out and felt so sicky. The sicky feeling has lasted all day and I feel really off in my head if that makes sense. Contemplating a diazepam. I feel a bit not with it. It's so scary taking these meds but you know you have to do it for the chance of getting better. I hope I feel a bit better this evening, I've also come home from work early.

    You are doing great though Cconnie, what day are you on now? X

    ---------- Post added at 16:19 ---------- Previous post was at 16:19 ----------

    I'm on my 3rd day of increase and I must admit this one has been the hardest up to now. I was in a meeting this morning at work that went on 3 hours and for most of that I felt like I was on another planet, kept totally zoning out and felt so sicky. The sicky feeling has lasted all day and I feel really off in my head if that makes sense. Contemplating a diazepam. I feel a bit not with it. It's so scary taking these meds but you know you have to do it for the chance of getting better. I hope I feel a bit better this evening, I've also come home from work early.

    You are doing great though Cconnie, what day are you on now? X

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