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Thread: Symptoms for a month now - Health Anxiety or I am dying?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Symptoms for a month now - Health Anxiety or I am dying?

    I don't know where to turn to anymore.
    I am Maria, I am 22 and most people on the HA forum know me. I've suffered Anxiety for 6 years but this has to be the worst.

    Have had nausea and stomach pain for 2 months every day in the morning and sometimes feeling faint in the afternoon. Eating and everything was good.
    It started with stomach pains, sent me into fear of appendicitis, which I overcame in few days.
    Then I began having terrible agoraphobia, would get panic attacks just by looking at the sky outside.
    Then pains returned, got a mild fever of 99 (I have 97 normal temperature my whole life) - went to ER doctor said it's nothing, temp is probably from stress, gave me pain relief and sent me home.
    Went to GP after fever kept coming for few days. Nothing wrong physically so he gave me antibiotics because he was scared I have a bug (cause I only had nausea for a week now)
    Antibiotics didn't change anything, fever was still here.
    Fever disappeared when I got my period, I felt fine for few days.
    Fear returned after period when I got headache and temperature was 98
    Now my temperature goes from 97-98 in matter of hours sometimes minutes.
    Had constipation now I have diarrhea (very mild tho)
    I feel sick to my stomach most of the times and I do get my appetite back briefly at night or when I relax.
    I did a CT scan on my head today, came clean, even sinuses were clean (which I thought were the issue)
    Had 3 bloodworks, generally only WBC was high but like 10-11 and normal is 9-11 depending on the lab.
    Doctors just keep saying this is anxiety.
    Therapist keeps saying this is anxiety.
    Don't know what doctor to go to anymore, everyone is just sending me home.

    I can't stop being scared of everything.
    I don't know whats wrong but I don't feel right. I can't say I don't have severe anxiety and depression cause I do. But I am also afraid.

    Please if anyone felt even remotely similar to me, please do tell me. It will mean a lot! And thank you for reading this long post.

    Symptom list:
    > daily stomach pains and nausea for 3 months in morning
    > stomach aches
    > diarrhea
    > nausea
    > temperature increase without a cause
    > feeling tired
    > eyes feel heavy and tired like I was crying
    > headaches that start at the top of my head, move to the temples and forehead (can be mild and moderate)
    > high anxiety - jolts when sleeping
    > muscle weakness (lasts few hours in morning)
    > shaking limbs
    > restlessness
    > feelings like all of the above is my fault
    > constant thoughts of death
    > agoraphobia
    > shortness of breath and panic attacks for few months almost daily

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Symptoms for a month now - Health Anxiety or I am dying?

    Have a read of this:

    Could you also please stick to one post as you have several on the go at the moment - mainly about the same things. Thanks

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3

    Re: Symptoms for a month now - Health Anxiety or I am dying?

    Pretty sure it’s all anxiety. I’ve had almost everyone of the symptoms you describe and I often obsess over my temperature and I’m pretty sure anxiety can make even your temperature go crazy and make it appear that you have a slight fever

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