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  1. #1


    Hi all I'm not really one for posting but I thought I'd better post about this. I've been suffering from general anxiety/ health anxiety for many years. The waking up in the morning with the feeling of dread in the stomach and thought's of making it through the day. I've tried most things St John's wort.,magnesium vitamins D B and the rest! I haven't tried any prescription medicines. A few people I know have started taking kefir which Is rancid to drink with a repeating bitter after taste for 10 minutes or so but then goes. The one I'm taking is in sainsburys called the collective dairy, they do a couple of flavours. I take a quarter of a pint every morning on an empty stomach. I'm am definitely feeling the benefits I have more energy better digestive system and have a much happier outlook when waking up in the morning with no heavy feelings. I've only been taking for a week but I really do feel good so far. I shall update in a couple of weeks or so. But honestly give it a go! Xx

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Kefir tastes of fizzy yogurt to me lol

    Good luck
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    It's one of the highest probiotic foods. But it can be expensive as it's still niche despite being around for thousands of years!

    It's actually very easy to make yourself and far cheaper. And it's actually better as it is fresher as it's suspected that the refrigeration the companies do ends up diluting the content. So, if that's the case that you are feeling the benefits from the store bought stuff then the homemade might be even better for you?

    There are two types too. Milk or water kefir. The water version is newer compared to the milk version the latter being something goatherds made in a bad outside there dwellings.

    The water may provide a different taste as you can flavour it with juices. Just don't put honey in either form that that kills the culture you would keep in the main jar (if brewing).

    I've been meaning to try home brewing this for ages and I did the research a while back. There is a company called Happy Kombucha who I asked various questions of and they sent some very informative and detailed replies so they are worth a look. They also have various articles on the brewing of both forms.

    There are sites that even detail the strains of healthy bacteria in both forms. Both seem great to me, I looked at water kefir purely because I don't have the space for the refrigeration of milk kefir (water version can be stored in the pantry too).

    Interestingly you can also make ginger beer with kefir. The longer you leave it before drinking the alcohol content, which is very low in a normal brew, rises to reach the strength of normal alcoholic beers.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  4. #4


    I do love kefir, very tasty (when I mix water kefir with orange juice) and extremely healthy

  5. #5


    I think there’s a lot to be said for probiotics, you can get some on Amazon called bio kult which have several strains in them, ones from Holland and Barrett seem a bit limited in terms of cultures. Not sure how many different cultures are in kefir. I know they all have different properties.

    The only thing about making it yourself is there’s a lot of upkeep!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by olivern View Post
    I think there’s a lot to be said for probiotics, you can get some on Amazon called bio kult which have several strains in them, ones from Holland and Barrett seem a bit limited in terms of cultures. Not sure how many different cultures are in kefir. I know they all have different properties.

    The only thing about making it yourself is there’s a lot of upkeep!
    The volume of healthy bacteria in kefir far outstrips what you get in supplements.

    There are some good looking supplements out there, some even found in studies to help mental health and that research is going to grow as this is all new stuff about mood & the gut, but I remember doing some research into this and finding kefir just has far more bacteria in it than even the most expensive supplements. That's home brew though, commercial kefir is a bit of an unknown as refrigeration is said to kill the bacteria over time so there are concerns about transit times & storage.

    The cultures in milk kefir:

    Water kefir cultures:

    A useful page showing them both:
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  7. #7


    have u tried som chamomlie tea for your soothing?

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