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Thread: Mole on back having panic attack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Mole on back having panic attack

    Hi I'm a 20 year old who recently developed HA and I found a new mole on my back a couple months ago around July I never remembered having a mole on my back at all so I'm guessing it's new and It been causing me nothing but trouble I'm obsessed with it I look at it a bunch of times whenever in the bathroom or pass a mirror I look at it I've a derm look at but she only looked at it for like 2-3 seconds and said looked fine but we'll keep an eye on it from what I can tell it's not that big smaller than pencil eraser maybe as big as mechanical pencil tip so I'll say .7mm maybe a little bigger idk as far as i can tell all one color and maybe symmetrical hard to tell by myself but my HA convinced me it's melanoma and I can't stop thinking it is and I keep having panic attacks worrying.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Mole on back having panic attack


    I'm currently in the "mole hole" and waiting for the results of a biopsy. This is after five doctors reassured me it was fine, but I wanted the thing OFF!

    Anyway, from my extensive Googling, people can continue to get new moles until around the age of 30. After this, new moles become more worrisome (and even then, most new moles are in fact benign)

    Dermatologists use the "ten second rule" when viewing a mole under their dermatoscope.

    Keep an eye on the mole, and see your dermatologist if you notice any further changes. And don't worry - around 90%+ of moles which change are NOT cancerous.
    Last edited by RadioGaGa; 07-10-18 at 19:38.
    Healthcare Professional with Health Anxiety

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Mole on back having panic attack

    If a derm said it's ok, it's ok. All they do all day long is look at moles. They know what to look for in 2-3 seconds. If they thought it needed a further look they'd tell you and do it. I had my annual appt recently and mentioned I thought this mole on my face had changed a bit. They looked at it multiple times, took unclose pictures with a special thing, and got another opinion from another doctor in the practice... and then said it's fine. So, they won't let you go if they don't think it's fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Mole on back having panic attack

    I'm sorry I haven't replied but thank you for replying I hope you biopsy comes back fine recently I've still been looking at it in the mirror every chance I can mostly because its a habit now but also because my anxiety makes me think nah what does the derm know she only looked for a few secs she didn't even look closely or a scope to see it but I also have to remember that I'm only 20 and come from a family with a lot of moles so I'll probably grow even more moles before I'm 30 it's just my anxiety torments me thinking it's melanoma it's new it's on your back you can't see it and monitor it you're not sure if it's symmetrical and all one color and I'm afraid that when my back itches it's cause of the moles and it hypes up my worries even more thank you for responding and I've been reading what reply's I've gotten to try and better myself or help with my HA

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