Hi Sunny.
Reading your post brought a lot of (bad) memories back!
I used to be certain that the chest pains I was taking were nothing to do with anxiety but were a problem that I should get sorted. IMMEDIATELY!
But, as you say. It also feels as if the doctors were were getting impatient!
Anyways. Last year I noticed a pain on my right side. This pain was just a nuisance for a few days until some kind person (GRRRRR!!!!!) suggested that it may be my appendix.
At that suggestion I was at my wits end. I could NEVER go into hospital for that kind of treatment.
So what did I do? Nothing. And guess what?
My chest pains went away!!!!
Seems I had a new worry to worry about. :-)
This dang pain was there for weeks because (subconsiously) I was fearing an appendix problem.
It was during these few weeks that I realised. It was actually me myself that was keeping these pains there.
I was feeding my fear!
On realising this most (if not all) my pains left me.
I still get the odd niggly pain now and again, but i dont worry so much about them now!
For me. This was a GREAT improvement.
Once I realised that it wasn`t the pain itself that was getting to me, but the thought (and fear) of what (I THOUGHT) it was that was bugging me day after day, the pains, and the fear, seemed to lose their hold over me!