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Thread: Attitude of Gratitude2 anyone can come and join.

  1. #321
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Attitude of Gratitude2 anyone can come and join.

    I think your vet bills are very reasonable, Terry. Costs are ridiculous in the South East but of course we all pay up as we would do anything for our pets and vets know this..

    I do think that high vet fees put decent and responsible people off having pets which is a shame. I had Petplan for my cat Lucy and called on them a lot because she had to have major intestinal surgery at 18 months old. I never had any complaints about their service and they always paid up without fail.

    I hope your brave doggie continues to do well and I'm sure he is being spoiled rotten and deservedly so!

  2. #322
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Attitude of Gratitude2 anyone can come and join.

    Yes, I bet vets charges are mad down there. Does that mean your premiums & excesses are higher? Our excess is £75 for complimentary treatment or £125 for vets fees. Still much cheaper than the cost of multiple medicines though as the consult fees can wipe out the excess alone.

    We've never had any issues with Petplan either. The vet fills their part in and sends it off and we never hear anything.

    People these days must consider the fees more than they used to, or at least responsible people do. You can plan in the living costs but taking a chance on no insurance is risky when something does happen. We've claimed for an operation to remove a cyst when he was a pup and then when he was attacked in a park later but otherwise it's been the usual stomach/bowel or infections they pick up.

    I suspect with these more expensive treatments it has worked out cheaper on Petplan. The premiums may seem high but in later years the bills can soon stack up.

    I bet that surgery would have cost a fortune. Thousands. We would obviously rather not need anything doing, as you would agree, but with costly treatments like these the insurance has paid for itself.

    Thanks pulisa, he is doing well. In the last couple of days his eye is returning to normal. He's just have the odd sick up now & then. It's probably the antibiotics but we'll mention it when we go back on Monday. He had a new toy awaiting his return home.

    Do you have your other little furries on Petplan?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #323
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Attitude of Gratitude2 anyone can come and join.

    I used to have my rabbits insured but stopped when one developed molar malocclusion and Petplan wouldn't fund having the molars rasped down but would fund treatment if I let the teeth overgrow so that he couldn't eat at all...Awful.

    I think there is a plan for exotics/small furries but I don't bother with it and just pay the bills as and when now. Sadly I had to have my lovely Fergus guinea pig put to sleep on October 1st as his bladder stones re-formed and another major surgery wouldn't have been fair seeing as he had only had the last stone removal in mid-July and that had cost £600..Not that cost came into it but it wasn't cheap and obviously the stones would have come back repeatedly.
    We have reserved a baby male to be Felix's new companion-he is only 2 weeks old but we will have him in a month's time. Felix is only 18 months old so it would have been unfair not to get him a new friend as they prefer to have company.

    Hope the vet is pleased with your boy tomorrow! I'm sure he loves his new toy!

  4. #324
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Attitude of Gratitude2 anyone can come and join.

    Really sorry to hear about Fergus. Poor little guy Fighting all the way is sometimes not as important as quality of life and I know you would do all you can for your pets.

    Bladder stones must be painful and I bet the surgery is pretty major in such a small animal.

    I bet a baby guinea pig is very cute!
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #325
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Attitude of Gratitude2 anyone can come and join.

    I'm grateful for the hard work of the fire brigade, staff & keepers all involved in ensuring the safety of the animals ay Chester Zoo in light of today's fire in the Monsoon House.

    I've been in there and if it's lovely. There are species of birds flying freely. The animals must have been terrified but lucky they are all accounted for.

    Also, any shout out for our emergency services and people who help them. A cyclist was badly injured in a collision with a car a hundred yards from my house. The road was immediately closed and the air ambulance called by the paramedics on scene. It couldn't land close due to overhead cables so had to use the nearby school and the staff were driven to the scene. One of the police said it could turn out bad when we asked as a few of us were helping redirect traffic as the police were initially too busy with the scene. One of our neighbours was in the road when we came out add my brother had been down for for a visit so we gave them a hand. Some drivers still went past us to chance getting through and we're turned back (morons). Hopefully the guy pulls through.

    They do a hard job and are not appreciated as much as they should be by some of the public and certainly not the politicians.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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