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Thread: Prozac

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , .
    I did get a full refund but I was sorry it didn't live up to expectations.
    I hope you find it useful and don't need to send it back.
    I'm going to head down the CBT route I think.
    Let us know how you get on. I found it very abrupt - lots of 'you must'- 'you should' and the voice was not soothing. Maybe being a bloke I would respond better to a female voice.
    It waasn't for me but hope it is good for you.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hey Angel
    Really sorry to hear about your troubles i was 16 when i started getting panics. It made me have to grow up very quickly!so im sure ur the same. I was on seroxat as well its horrible and when i came off it a few months ago things got harder, im thinkin of goin back to the docs to get something else but i dont wanna be on a pill! Keep smilin' its all u can do! I hope u are feeling better! Jen x

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    The linden method is quite good i think. All the teqniques to learn but the price is still a rip off. Its true what he is saying in a way. Why go on medication? you are just masking the symtoms the problem will allways come back when u get off them!! (if u manage to stay on them long enough and survive the side effects). I never wanted to go down that route anyway, antidepressants are dangerous. I have wrote a page about all the good herbs if u all wanna read it!! they do work.
    I have just read up about one called picamilon. It has GABA (a calming agent) and the vitamin B niacin. It needs niacin as niacin crosses the blood brain barrier and GABA doesnt! so the niacin takes the GABA with it!! thus providing proper calm!! Read up on! try all these natural supplements and all tecniques before you take the drug route!! its worth a try and it wont harm you like they do!

    peace! xx


  4. #14
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Clairey - it is good to hear that it has helped you :-) Something that doesn't work for one person can easily work for another so it is good to hear both sides of the Linden Method.

    I would be interested to read about the herbs - I could add the info to the website cos I know a lot of people (myself included) would prefer to take natural remedies rather than drugs. Please post it here or email it to me -

    I assume these herbs are readily available in health food shops? Or do you need to buy some from specialist places?

    Thanks for the info anyway


  5. #15
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    I have posted a long thing in the medication part about herbs and supplements! i have a load of knowledge as it all started with my chronic stomach problem! i learnt from there and i value herbal medicine alot! so if you want to read please do!

    claire xx


  6. #16
    Join Date
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    During my worst period of anxiety I was having nearly back-to-back panic attacks which resulted in an almost continual urge to throw up. I was sick a lot, but there was no underlying condition (I had it all checked, many times). Throwing up is a flight reaction where your body reaches the critical point of panic. Diarrhea (sorry)is another one.

    I was prescribed Prozac and it helped me (after about a month) to get some control back and stop the vomitting. I'm calmer too. It's worth a go as it sounds like your quality of life is suffering badly. Prozac is nice and gentle when it kicks in, but it does more than enough. I'm still on the pills and intend to come off next year.

    Hope this helps,



  7. #17
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanx 2 every1 for the advice about prozac,
    ive now been on prozac for about 2 months
    and it has changed my life, i am now doing things
    that seemed imposible a few weeks ago.
    Im much happier and now feel have have got my
    life back, ive even been back to school

    gillian xx

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Thanks for taking the time to come back and tell us.

    We are so pleased for you :-)


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