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Thread: Dosage for anxiety

  1. #1

    Dosage for anxiety


    I am on 150mg of trazadone for 4 weeks and I have seen some improvement in my overall mood but not so much for anxiety. Is it possible that that I need to increase my dosage to 200 or 300 to finally nail the anxiety.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Dosage for anxiety

    Hi, Just wondering if it helps with sleep. I just started taking 25MG for insomnia to due to anxiety.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Dosage for anxiety

    Iv been on traz for 6 years now 100ml,but i had a long time of being on 150 and 200ml,both levels never worked for me for depression or anxiety,i just found at the higher levels i felt quite numb and fuzzy headed and the mornings very dull for most of the day,
    Traz is a old antidepressant and not used that much now days,so iv been told
    Im trying to come off traz now as its never helped me iv been on the liquid form for 4 years which i feel helps me fall to sleep quite quick as it gets into your system quick,even on 100ml i still wake about 3 times a night for no reason
    Very frustrating
    Anxiety,depression...5mg olanzipine,,,200mg trazadone

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Dosage for anxiety

    This is an old thread, however, for anyone that comes to it looking for advice, trazodone is a dose dependant multifunction drug which at daily doses below about 150-200mg acts only as a sedating antihistamine. The antidepressant response typically begins at around 200mg and the recommended adult dose range is 300-600mg. The hypnotic/sedating effect diminishes as doses increase and tends to be minor beyond 200mg, especially with the extended/slow release formulations which are better at maintaining plasma levels above the sedation threshold.

    Stephen Stahl's: 'Mechanism of Action of Trazodone: a Multifunctional Drug' [PDF] is a useful guide to this underrated med.

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